Blood Moon (Entangled Select Otherworld)
Paiute?” She cringed and shook her head. “Sorry. I forgot. No questions about your family.”
    She almost made me smile. Dangerous territory. But after my meeting tomorrow with the potential buyers for my garage, I’d be making a run for Colorado. Between my impending move and her health situation, there was a better than average chance I’d never see Nadya again after tonight.
    I could handle one night.
    A flashlight beam cut through the darkness. I spun on my heel, alert and ready. Light blinded me, shining directly in my face. A deep growl rumbled from my throat.
    Relief washed over my tense shoulders. “Chloe. It’s me.”
    She stood all of five feet tall with wiry silver hair and a smile that warmed you all the way to your toes. Her dark eyes sparkled in the moonlight as she wrapped me in a tiny bear hug I had to bend over to receive.
    “My little Osa!” She pulled back, clutching my arms. Good grip for a woman in her seventies, and probably the only person left on earth who got away with calling me “little.” “It has been way too long. Where have you been hiding?”
    “Not hiding.” I shrugged. “Just busy.” I tipped my head toward Nadya. “Chloe, this is my friend, Nadya.”
    Chloe grinned and took Nadya’s hand in both of hers. “Nice to meet you.” Her eyes darted between us. “My Osa has never brought a woman to meet the Stone Mother.”
    I groaned. “I’ve never brought anyone out here, Chloe.”
    “Actually…” Nadya smiled, her gaze meeting mine over the top of Chloe’s head. “I invited myself along tonight.”
    Chloe shook her head. “I am Gareth’s godmother. My little wolf has a nasty habit of keeping everyone at a distance. If he didn’t want your company tonight, you wouldn’t be here.”
    I wasn’t sure how true that was. Chloe hadn’t seen the sadness in Nadya’s eyes earlier. Even I wasn’t heartless enough to leave her behind.
    Nadya stepped back, glancing toward the pyramid. “Since you’re here, I’d love to hear the story of the Stone Mother. Gareth told me her tears made the lake.”
    Chloe practically beamed. I sighed and stared up at the stars. We were going to be here for a while.

Chapter Five
    Gareth stepped closer to the water’s edge, excusing himself from the story. He’d probably heard it a million times anyway. I tried to keep in mind that he’d only brought me here tonight because I showed up on his doorstep like a lost puppy.
    At least this way, he’d get some of the peace he’d been yearning for.
    Chloe took my hand, walking me closer to the Stone Mother. Her entire face lit up, animated with the spark of a true storyteller. “The Stone Mother gave birth to Man’s children. She loved them very much, but her oldest son fought with the others.”
    I looked up at the rock formation in the moonlight, the water sparkling around the Stone Mother. Her tears. I glanced at Chloe. “What happened to him?”
    Chloe patted her hand. “Just like my little Osa, always wanting the ending before the story has even begun.”
    Gareth’s silhouette stood tall at the water’s edge. Anything but little. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to rush you.”
    Chloe grinned, worn lines framed her dark eyes. “Man couldn’t bear the constant fighting, so he called his many children together. He spoke to them of peace and harmony, but his eldest son attacked another before he finished talking.” She shook her head and pointed toward the mountains. “Frustrated, he split up his family, sending his eldest west with one of the women. Others followed him. They became the Pitt-Rivers and the children who could get along stayed in this valley and became the Paiute tribe.”
    “Did the Stone Mother ever see him again?”
    “Her son?” Chloe sighed. “No. She lost a few of her children that day as the family scattered. Her husband hiked up the mountain and into the stars where he still watches over her.”
    “So that’s why she
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