Blood Moon (Entangled Select Otherworld)
    And still no justice. No one in the Pack even mentioned Gabe anymore, let alone hunted his killer.
    Not that I asked them to. What if killing Gabe’s murderer didn’t make the pain go away? For now, the thought of justice gave me a flicker of hope. I wasn’t willing to give that up. Moving to Colorado would be a new start. No more ghosts around every curve.
    “Hang on.” I put the bike in gear and we roared into the darkness.
    The lonely two-lane highway leading to Pyramid Lake was deserted at this hour. I let out the throttle, the cool wind stinging my face. I leaned into the turns, surprised to feel my passenger moving with me. Nadya’s dad had taught her well. We rolled through the reservation bathed in the eerie light of the nearly full moon.
    Since I turned fifteen, the lake had always been my personal serenity, the one place that could calm the turbulence inside my soul. After Gabe and I lost our parents, I spent many nights watching the reflection of the moon and stars on the lake’s surface. During the day, I kept a stiff upper lip. As Gabe’s older brother by a half hour or so, it fell to me to look after him. He counted on me to be strong. Child services had come knocking, but Malcolm Sloan, Adam’s dad and our Pack Alpha, offered to “foster” us. He signed documents, and I made sure my brother went to school, turned in homework, and kept his nose clean. Malcolm used to worry I had to grow up too soon, but what could I do? My father was gone. Responsibility fell to the oldest.
    Coming over the final rise, my passenger yelled over the howling wind. “It’s beautiful. Even in the dark.”
    I nodded, resisting the urge to shout in reply. Without turning to face her, she probably wouldn’t hear me anyway, even with her new werewolf hearing. I’d have to wait until we got to my turn out off the highway so I could stop.
    My mom used to bring us to Pyramid Lake as boys. And after she died, her presence sparkled on the salt water and up in the sky. This was my solitary refuge.
    And now I was sharing it.
    What the hell was wrong with me?
    I rode south near the lake’s edge toward the tribal museum building, breathing in the clean, cool air, but clearing my head proved impossible with Nadya’s arms around me. My heightened sense of smell wasn’t helping. Each time I inhaled, her scent teased me. The woman smelled like sunshine and cinnamon. How was that even possible?
    On some level it made sense. There wasn’t a simple way to describe Nadya. I’d never met another woman like her.
    I slowed and pulled off the highway. The gravelly dirt road made it tricky to navigate with the added weight of a passenger behind me. With the bike in neutral, I put my feet down on either side, rolling us closer to the water’s edge before popping the kickstand and cutting the engine. Nadya got off first and then I swung my leg over. She pulled her helmet free, letting her long, dark hair fall loose around her face as she stared out at the water. For a second, I forgot to breathe. Her profile in the moonlight, the wind gently pulling at her hair, it all called to me.
    She wasn’t anything like the women I usually dated.
    Not that I dated much.
    Not at all since that night.
    I ground my teeth together and hung my helmet on the handlebars. “Nice spot, huh?”
    She nodded, sliding the leather gloves off and stowing them inside her helmet. “Nice is an understatement. It’s almost…otherworldly.”
    I took her helmet and set it on the seat of the bike. “That’s a good description for it. This is a sacred place for my mother’s tribe. My tribe.” I pointed toward the white pyramid, gleaming in the moonlight. “That’s the Stone Mother down there. She created this lake with her tears.”
    I watched her face for any sign of judgment. Some people were quick to roll their eyes at the stories of our old ones. Those people pissed me off.
    Nadya tucked her hair behind her ear. “Your mother was
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