Blind Date With the Billionaire Part 3: Back to You

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Book: Blind Date With the Billionaire Part 3: Back to You Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cordelia Baxter
important she wanted to discuss in private. I didn't want to cause a scene or give Missy or anyone else any reason to gossip so I said yes. That was my first mistake. I didn't realize that just dancing would cause any gossip, much less walking off with her. Besides, Carla can be very dramatic when she doesn't get what she wants. I tried to save myself from the inevitable scene she would cause if I refused. It was cowardly of me, I admit it." Gabe said.
    "When we got outside, I asked her what she wanted. She told me she missed m e, and then kissed me, " he continued. "You can see how shocked I was. Before I could pull away, you had come upon us. I never meant for you to see that; I never wanted you to get hurt. When I went after you, you didn't want anything to do with me, and I couldn't blame you. I don't know what I'd do if I caught you in the same position with another guy, but I had to try to explain. Carla orchestrated the whole scene."
    "So she did want to reconcile with you that night?" Monica asked.
    "No. Like I said, Carla can be very petty and she heard that I had come to the ball with a date. She's like a child with a toy. You see, she doesn't care about me or want to get back together, she just wanted to show people th at she still had me on a string; that she could get me back whenever she wanted."
    "But that's ridiculous, because that will never happen," Gabe quickly added. "I've never loved her, and would never get back with her, especially now that I've found someone that I do love."
    Monica waited with baited breath for Gabe to continue. She felt like her heart might burst from joy. Could it be that he felt the same way about her that she did about him?
    "Who is it?" she asked. Her voice was barely above a whisper.
    "It's you Monica," Gabe answered. "It's always been you. I didn't realize it until recently."
    "What made you realize it?" Monica asked, a giant grin threatening to break free.
    "When I saw you the other night on that date. I always thought you'd come back to me, but when I saw you with another man, it made me realize that I might actually lose you. It scared me. I couldn't stand the thought of you out there in the world with someone who wasn't me, and I knew that I'd do whatever it took to get you back," Gabe explained.
    "You don't have to worry about Rick," Monica said. "There was never anything between us."
    "That's good to know," Gabe replied. He leaned forward and looked at Monica expectantly. "Is I being too forward in hoping you might feel the same way I feel about you?" he asked hesitantly.
    "Oh Gabe, of course I love you too," Monica said, her eyes brimming with tears. "I think I've loved you that first night. I was just afraid of moving too fast and scaring you off."
    Gabe smiled so brightly at her, she thought she would melt. The look of heartfelt pleasure in his eyes gave her a thrill. She was so pleased that she could bring him such happiness and be the cause of that smile.
    "I can't believe we've wasted so much time over some stupid misunderstanding," Gabe said ruefully.
    "We've really made a mess of things, huh?" Monica added.
    "Yeah, but nothing is going to get in between us now. We've got the future ahead of us, and I don't intend to let you get away," Gabe promised.
    "I look forward to it," Monica said.
    Gabe reached across the table and grabbed Monica's hand, stroking her fingers while they gazed at each other with a love-struck look in their eyes. They were lost in their own little world throughout dinner, and di dn't even notice when the waiter came and brought their food, or when he came back later to take their plates away. Monica couldn't believe it had all worked out. Gabe didn't want Carla; he wanted her. He loved her. She wanted to stand on the table and shout out in joy. "He loves me!" She couldn't' believe she almost walked away from him and shuddered at the thought of what could have been.
    "What's wrong?" Gabe asked, noticing her movements.
    "Oh nothing, I
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