Blessed (Book 2, The Watchers Trilogy; Young Adult Paranormal Romance)

Blessed (Book 2, The Watchers Trilogy; Young Adult Paranormal Romance) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Blessed (Book 2, The Watchers Trilogy; Young Adult Paranormal Romance) Read Online Free PDF
Author: S.J. West
show of interest, he’ll take it as you wanting him, too.”
    “Malcolm knows I love Brand. I think I’ve made it pretty clear.”
    “Yeah, I guess you have.”
    When I saw the look of hurt on Will’s face, I instantly regretted proclaiming my love for Brand without considering how Will would be affected by it.
    “I’m sorry,” I said, remembering the declaration of love Will had made to me, only a couple of weeks ago.
    “No, don’t be sorry because you found someone who can love you the way you deserve to be. He may not be my first choice for you but you could have done worse, I guess.”
    “Well, thanks, I think.” It seemed like a backwards compliment but that was better than resentment.
    “At least he was smarter than me, and didn’t try to keep himself distanced from you the way I did.” The look of regret and loss on Will’s face made me feel sad for him. I’d seen that same look on my own face a hundred times when I was pining for Will to return my love for him. To see it on his face brought back the memories of my own heartache.
    “Why did you do that, Will? Would it have been so bad for us to be together?”
    “I was scared, Lilly,” he admitted. “I didn’t feel like you should settle for something like me. You deserved better.”
    It made me wonder how my life would have turned out if Will had found the courage to tell me he loved me after that first kiss. Would we still be together? Would we be engaged, or possibly even married by now?
    Then Brand’s sweet words came back to me about how he thought our meeting wasn’t just by chance. That God had planned for us to meet and love one another for a purpose. I hoped he was right. I prayed God had a hand in our finding each other because, if He did, then our love was meant to be and blessed by someone we desperately needed on our side right now. But whether God brought us together or not, I was thankful Brand hadn’t decided to follow the same path as Will and stayed away from me because he thought it was the right thing to do for my sake. At least Brand had the courage to fight for our love.
    “Utha Mae sent some leftovers from lunch. You better get in the apartment before Tara eats them all up,” I told him, breaking the serious turn our conversation had taken.
    After Tara and Will ate, Tara went to her bedroom for a nap and Will sat me down in the living room to begin my first lesson in phasing.
    “Ok, you need to clear your mind of everything around you. Phasing is more of a psychic ability than a physical one. Once you clear your mind, think of where you want to go, like your bedroom. But don’t just picture it. You have to convince yourself that you can feel the room around you. You’re folding the molecules of space between where you are and where you want to go. You’ll need to start thinking of the world as being fluid and bendable.”
    I tried to clear my mind. Once I had it cleared, I did what Will said and tried to visualize myself in my bedroom. I’m not sure how long I sat there trying to phase two feet behind me to the other side of the wall, but I finally just gave up.
    “I can’t do this,” I said, feeling defeated. “Maybe it was just a fluke that I did it the first time.”
    “No, you can do it. It’s just going to take some practice to stop thinking of the world as structured and start thinking of it as pliable.”
    “Why do you think I can phase? Do you think I’m part angel?”
    “I’m not sure. That’s why we want to do those tests.”
    “Can all offspring of angels phase?”
    “No, that’s what’s odd. None of the Watcher children have any of the abilities their fathers do. And angels like me can’t get a human woman pregnant.”
    “Why? You’re inside a regular human body.”
    “When we take over a body, we mutate the DNA slightly. It’s enough to cause a significant enough difference and make mating with a human impossible.”
    I looked at the clock on the cable box below the TV, and saw it
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