Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits

Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits Read Online Free PDF

Book: Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits Read Online Free PDF
Author: Norma Jeanne Karlsson
Tags: Romance, romantic suspense, romantic thriller
it out as I drift off again.
    Beep…click. Beep…click.
    I hear this noise over and over. There is something really heavy on my back and I still can’t open my eyes. My head is in something and I’m lying on my stomach, my face resting on some kind of plastic thing. I’m in so much fucking pain I whimper.
    “Shannon,” Callaghan whispers, “we’re just getting some x-rays. You need to lie completely still. I know you’ve got to be in excruciating pain but try not to move.” I try my damnedest to be as still as I can before I sleep again.
    I’m moving again, in a car or something. I’m in someone’s arms. I can feel their breath on my face and hear their heart in my ear. This must be what a baby feels like cradled in its mother’s arms. My pain is less but still only just bearable. Before the unconsciousness comes, I feel safe.
    “Shannon? My name is Robert Callaghan, can you open your right eye for me?” His voice is deep and smooth, his tone soothing. I try, but all it does is flutter. “That’s all right. Shannon you have been assaulted, but nothing appears to be broken. I’ve taken some images of your head and everything appears to be normal however, you have a deep laceration on the back of your head that needs a few staples. You have also suffered a concussion, a secondary laceration above your left eye and although your jaw is not dislocated it is severely edematous, which is why you are unable to speak. Due to the injuries sustained, your eyes have severe edema and are swollen shut; however, none of your facial bones have been fractured. You’re going to be okay Shannon.” He rubs my shoulder before moving away. I hear him rummaging around in a bag I think. “I’m going to ask you to roll onto your left side and I’ll get this laceration closed. I’m going to inject a little lidocaine to numb the area first.” I roll over. “A little pinch now Shannon.” I don’t feel it. I’m already in so much pain, what’s one more thing? Three clicks and he’s done.
    “Until that swelling subsides in your jaw, we’ll keep the IV to provide fluids and pain meds.” I didn’t even notice there was an IV. I’m in a bed but it doesn’t smell like Kavanagh’s. I force my right eye to open just a slit and look around. There is an older gentleman with scrubs on standing next to me, with a kind yet concerned smile on his face. I’m in a bedroom, clean and fresh smelling. The walls are a grey-blue color and the curtains are crisp white. I feel like I’m in a resort. A resort for the ass whipped.
    “You’re in Ryan’s room,” Doctor Callaghan says.
    I furrow my badly beaten brow and try to remember a Ryan. Ahhh Callaghan. I nod.
    “I’ve got a home nurse coming to see to you for the rest of the time you’re healing. I’ll come and check on you myself once a day as well. I’m so sorry this happened to you Shannon. I understand you refused to go to the hospital. If you were sexually assaulted we need to get you to the hospital and to the police, so that we can take the necessary steps to insure you are not at risk.” How do I let him know I wasn’t raped and I can’t go to the hospital?
    “Not. Raped.” I breathe out. I really can’t move my jaw. Fuck that hurts. I make direct eye contact with him with my one half functioning eye. He studies my beaten face for a minute, maybe longer, and gives me a curt nod.
    “I’ll be back mid-morning to check on you. Tina, your nurse, will be here in half an hour. Try to get some rest.” Doctor Callaghan puts his hand in mine and squeezes it; I return the squeeze as best I can. He turns and leaves. I can hear voices but feel myself getting sleepy again.
    “Shannon?” Kavanagh whispers by my side. I open my eye the tiny bit it’s able. He looks pale and drawn, like he’s looking at a dead body. He’s holding my hand and rubbing his thumb across my knuckles. “Shannon I’m so fucking sorry. I can’t—” I shake my head cutting him off. This
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