Black Blood

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Book: Black Blood Read Online Free PDF
Author: Melissa Pearl
Tags: History, Paranormal, love, adventure action
out tonight.”
    “Why aren’t you
    “The guys
decided to have an Xbox-fest instead of taking me to the movies.
Losers.” She pulled one of her curls straight and let it pop back
into place. “Darren’s going to have to make it up big time
tomorrow. It’s our last night together.”
    “Where are you
    “Stupid Maine
for some stupid camping and hiking around some stupid national
    Gemma grinned.
“What are you talking about? That sounds awesome.”
    “ My
sisters, my dad and no Darren? It sounds like crap.”
    “I’m sure it
won’t be that bad.” Gemma giggled. “Besides, I’ve heard time apart
can make a relationship stronger.”
    “And you
believe that?”
scrunched her nose. “Not really. I’m so sorry,
    Her blurry
image sagged. “I’ll get over it… as long as Darren misses me.”
    “He totally
    “Yeah, I just
worry that while I’m gone his eyes might wander.”
    “No they
    “You’re only
saying that because Harrison’s never would. He’s so in love with
you, even if you did break up he’d probably be one of those guys
who would stay single until fate brought you magically back
    Gemma loved
that idea, but thought it was more appropriate to scoff a little.
“He’s not that bad. He was in love once before me.”
Courtney sat straight.
    “Yeah, some
girl called Amy. She broke up with him because he moved around so
much. He swore off girls for the rest of high school after
    “But you made
him change his mind.”
    “There’s an
exception to every rule.” Gemma blushed.
    “Look, don’t
worry about Darren. I’ll keep an eye on him for ya.”
    “I know he’ll
hate being a third wheel, but thanks. Dana’s been asking to hang
out quite a lot and she knows I’m going away. Do you think she’d
try anything on with him?”
    “She better
not.” Gemma cringed as she thought about one of the most
manipulative girls at school. She and Courtney used to hang out all
the time before Gemma found the confidence to make a new friend.
Dana had been simmering ever since. Gemma wouldn’t put it past the
girl to go after Darren just to spite Courtney.
    “Will you kick
her butt for me if she does?”
    “Just keep
Darren busy so they can’t hang out. Promise?”
    “I’ll do my
Courtney’s dimples popped into place as she reached her arms wide.
“Here’s a cyber hug since I won’t get to see you.”
    “Call me as
soon as you get home, okay?”
    Gemma waved at
the screen then hung up. A knock sounded on her door. Swivelling
her chair, she turned to face her father. He pushed the door wide
and leaned against the frame. A pair of boxing gloves swung from
his finger.
    “Want some
    “I’ll let you
get a few hits in. It might make you feel better.”
    Her right
eyebrow rose the way her mother’s did when she was unimpressed.
Alistair Hart rolled his eyes.
    “Come on Gem,
you can’t spend the rest of the night sulking in your room.”
    “Yes I can.”
She stood from her chair and slumped towards the bed.
    She returned
his stern look with one of her own.
    Her father’s
eyes narrowed. “We are letting you date him and work with him every
day, surely that’s got to score us some points.”
    “I guess it
does.” She shrugged.
    “Come on, how
am I supposed to get a smile out of you?”
    She ran a hand
through her hair and folded her arms. “Let me have dinner at
Harrison’s after work on Friday?”
    Her father
sighed and went for that deadpan look she hated.
    “What? It’s not
like I’m asking him here.”
    His eyes stayed
dark and hazy.
    “Would you
rather I lied and told you I was going somewhere else?”
    “Is that what
you’ll do?” Her father’s eyebrows bunched together.
    Gemma bit
her lip then pulled her shoulders back and lifted her chin. “I will
if I have
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