Black Blood

Black Blood Read Online Free PDF

Book: Black Blood Read Online Free PDF
Author: Melissa Pearl
Tags: History, Paranormal, love, adventure action
confidence Dom always went for.
    “He seemed to
accept my story pretty easily.” She shrugged and popped a smile in
for good measure. “I’m just glad he didn’t ask any other details. I
thought we handled the hitch pretty well. I can’t think of anything
we could have done better.” Her gaze flicked to Dom before landing
back on her father. She knew eye contact was key to hiding the
    Alistair’s eyes
gleamed with a touch of pride as he nodded his head and slapped the
table. He seemed to be making more of an effort since Gemma’s near
death experience. Debriefs were shorter, training just a touch less
intense. His smile appeared more readily as if he was trying to
make up for the fact his youngest nearly died.
    Gemma didn’t
fully understand the change. If anything, the whole debacle was her
fault, but she wasn’t going to complain about it. The less tension
in the house the better. The only thing that made his face all
tight with anger now was the mention of a certain blond she refused
to break up with.
    “What are your
plans tonight, guys?”
    Ruby perked up
at her mother’s question. “I’m out with Jenny and Todd.”
    And Alex!
    Gemma bit back
her smile. Since Gemma had fought for her right to date Harrison,
Ruby had been more forthcoming with information, but she hadn’t
mentioned Alex yet. He was a very fine looking college sophomore
that Ruby had bumped into on the beach two weeks ago. Gemma hadn’t
seen her sister so gaga before. She knew it wasn’t anything like
what she had with Harrison, but the guy was certainly getting Ruby
in a tizz. Hence the reason he had not been brought up in any Hart
    “I’m thinking
of doing an evening surf with the guys.” Dom looked past his twin
sister to Gemma. “You wanna come?”
    “Actually, I’m
um…” Gemma glanced at her father. His cheery expression was turning
black and tight. “I’ve been invited to the movies.”
    “With who?”
    “The rules are
one date a week, which you’ve already had.” Penelope’s fingers
tapped on the table.
    “This isn’t a
date. Darren and Courtney will be there.”
    “ So a
double date then.”
    “It’s not a
date, Mom. It’s dinner and a movie with friends!”
    Gemma stood
from her chair.
discussion isn’t over. Sit down.” She slumped back down at her
father’s command.
    “I don’t
understand why we have to have a discussion every time I go
    “We’re already
letting you work with him each day, why do you have to see him at
night as well?”
    “What else am I
gonna do?”
    “Surf with your
    “Mom, you hate
me going surfing at night. You’re always going on about how
dangerous it is and how you don’t like me hanging out with all
those boys.”
    “Maybe spending
time with other boys isn’t such a bad thing?”
    “What?” Gemma
nearly laughed. “Are you seriously saying that you don’t mind me
hanging out with a bunch of horny surfers for a night?”
    Her mother
blanched. “I’m just suggesting that socializing with other people
every now and then would be good for you. Besides, Dom wouldn’t let
any of those boys near you.”
    “ Mom, I wouldn’t let
any of those boys near me.” She sighed and tucked a clump of hair
behind her ear. “Look whatever, I’ll just go hang out in my room.”
She made sure she shot both her parents a dark look before leaving
the table with a sulky huff.
summer sun was descending when Gemma threw her book on the floor.
She couldn’t read. She was too annoyed. Harrison had been pretty
gracious about her bailing, but she could tell he was still pissed.
His I love
you had been almost
terse before he hung up.
    The computer on
her desk beeped. With a frown, Gemma went to investigate and was
soon smiling. She pulled out her chair and took a seat as she
answered a Skype call from Courtney.
stilted image waved, her ringlet curls bobbing.
    “So sucks you
couldn’t come
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