Bite of Envy (Just One Bite #4)

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Book: Bite of Envy (Just One Bite #4) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kay Glass
so generously
provided her.
    Lizzie walked out of the room, mumbling a hasty,
"Excuse me," on her way to the stairs. Diandra called after her.
"We need to talk, honey, so be prepared to do so come morning." As
Lizbeth turned and opened her mouth to protest, Diandra raised a hand to
indicate she's not done. "I love you, but if you don't call out of work
and spend the day with us, then you should be prepared to find somewhere else
to live."
    "That's not fair," Lizbeth choked out, anger and
hurt coloring her words. "I've got work that needs doing tomorrow,"
ignoring the fact that she had no active cases to work on. "Why can't this
wait until tomorrow night?"
    Diandra merely shook her head sadly as she scooped RaeLynn
up in her arms. "Because it's waited long enough already, and I can't take
any more of this. I've been as patient as I can, but if you keep running and
hiding you'll find there's no one waiting for you anymore." She turned her
back on the conversation and went to the parlor. Eamon and Adrian froze where
they were, unable to do or say anything in the uncomfortable silence that was
    Lizbeth took a deep breath, turned her back and walked up
the stairs without another word. She gathered her pillows and her night clothes
and crossed the hall to the guest bedroom. She was angry, and she'd be damned
if she'd spend the night in that room right now, but she wouldn't run away
anymore, either. She changed her clothes and climbed into bed, but before
falling asleep she called the precinct and let them know she wouldn't be in to
work in the morning. With that, she laid her head on the pillows and cried
herself to sleep.

Chapter Six
    Lizbeth was disoriented when she woke up. Nothing looked the
way she was used to, and the bed was in a different position in the bedroom.
She studied the room blearily for a few moments until the night before came
crashing back into her memory, making her cringe. God, what an ass she'd been
to everyone. What could she say in her own defense? That she was jealous of all
the power everyone else had? That she'd only agreed to be changed because she
thought it would make her as powerful as Diandra? How asinine could one person
    She got out of bed and crept to the bathroom to shower and
brush her teeth. It was silly, she knew, but she wanted to be as prepared as
possible, and she'd take any advantage she could get, even one as strange as
being dressed for the day. She padded to the bedroom wrapped in a towel and
began searching for something to wear, surprised but pleased to see Diandra
wasn't in bed. She grabbed a black tank top and matching yoga pants since she
didn't have to be to work, but drew the line at putting on shoes. There was such
thing as being ridiculously overdressed, and she'd be crossing that line when
she normally preferred to be barefoot at home.
    Lizbeth took a deep breath and began her descent to the
dining room. If she was going to survive an inquisition she needed her damned
coffee first. Adrian smiled kindly as he handed her a cup already prepared
sweet and light, just the way she always took it. She grinned in response,
grateful they'd hired him. He really was invaluable to them, and she was glad
he made no noises about leaving them. She didn't know what they'd do if he ever
decided to move on to another job, but she knew, deep inside, that eventually
that day would come.
    Diandra was already seated at the dining room table, and
Lizbeth's heart gave a little lurch as she realized Dia looked like shit. She
had obviously not slept at all, and judging by the red rimming her eyes, she'd
been crying as well. The guilt was overwhelming- she couldn't believe how much
she'd upset the balance they'd found in their household. What the Hell had she
been thinking, treating everyone the way she had? Oh, she knew- she'd been
thinking only of herself and her own feelings and to Hell with everyone else's.
God, what a bitch she'd become these last several days.
    Lizbeth held a
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