Billionaire's Lies: A Novel

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Book: Billionaire's Lies: A Novel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kendra King
knocking on the window, I scrambled to get dressed. As cool as ever, he slightly rolled down the window. It was his driver again. I guess it had been an hour already. He told his driver to give us a few minutes and then said something about his place. To be honest, I was drowning in and out of the conversation because for the life of me I couldn't find my panties. Everything else was fine but it was like my panties vaporized in this heat.
    "Are you ready?" he asked me as he adjusted his tie, observing himself through the reflection on the window as he perfected his look. Meanwhile, I felt like a hot mess in his limo--a pantyless hot mess.
    "Have you seen my underwear?" I asked distantly as I stuffed my hand in any and every crack and crevice, trying to find the missing most fabric. I reached up and turned on the car light, and sat there stumped. There wasn't a single sign of them. "I can't find them."
    "Are you sure?" Blake looked amused.
    "No, I'm making this up." I shot him a look. "Just help me."
    "In all honesty, I don't remember you wearing underwear. I think I ripped them off."
    "Did you?" He could have. I didn't remember either if I was being honest--everything happened so quickly in the heat of the moment.
    "Listen, we'll come back and look for it later on your way home."
    "So I'm just going to have to go out there with no underwear on?"
    "It'll be our little secret." He gave me that sly grin with a wink, and I felt heat rush between my legs, but I gave in. What else was I supposed to do?
    Hand-in-hand, we walked into the back entrance of a large, modern building.

Chapter 5
    "What is this place?"
    "Well, the first six floors are offices, break rooms, conference rooms, and a banquet hall. You know, typical corporate America bullshit." We strode towards the elevator as he spoke, with Blake gliding along the floor with the ease of a panther who knew his jungle like the back of his paw. "The last four are for me." He inserted a key card for the elevator and I stopped dead in my tracks before I entered the elevator. He turned and looked back at me. "What's wrong?"
    "You own four floors?" My eyes opened wide.
    "Well, technically, I own the whole building." He laughed. "But the last four floors are for my personal use." He extended out his hand and I put mine in his once again.
    "What could one do with four floors to himself?" I pondered, an unfamiliar giddy feeling washing through me.
    "You'd be surprised. There are many layers to me." Blake winked at me again, melting me from the inside out.
    "I'm sure you're full of layers and shades, but four floors is ridiculous!" I scoffed.
    We were greeted by a doorman who held the door opened for us. The lobby attendants waved at us and we turned a corner to wait by a new set of elevators. He let go of my hand saying that he needed a quick word with a staff member. I leaned against the wall and looked up towards the light. My eyes were getting a bit droopy. With all the excitement of the night, my body was finally realizing that I'd woken up at 6 today to get to work. If I'm not careful, I'm going to be sleeping in this lobby.
    "You are so gorgeous," Blake murmured as he approached, circling a muscular arm around my curvy waist. His other hand was in his suit pocket nonchalantly. He looked so suave, like a Greek god who possessed the charm of Brad Pitt. He glanced down at me with that same sinful grin; that glorious expression. His luminous eyes told me his intentions before he even got the chance to kiss me. He started at my collar bone and licked towards my neck.
    "Blake, what are you doing?" I whispered, peering over his shoulder. My eyes scanned the lobby floor. "What if somebody sees us?"
    "No one will see us."
    "All you have to do," he spoke slowly, keeping me on my toes with every one of his words, "is not make a noise. You can do that, can't you?" His hands
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