Billionaire Romance: The Billionaire's Secrets (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 1)

Billionaire Romance: The Billionaire's Secrets (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Billionaire Romance: The Billionaire's Secrets (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Danielle Fin
able to bring themselves to sleep.
    Just this once, they were truly alone, they only had each other and there were no cares outside the little tent in the middle of the oasis in the middle of the desert. Tomorrow will bring them back to the dangers of life but at least for this night, they were truly at peace. Neither knew of what the next few days have in store of them.

Chapter 7: Trouble in Paradise
    Isa was anxious. With his father’s uncertain health looming over every member of his family, they were no longer sure if they can keep it secret forever. They could only keep using the same excuses that his father had a terrible fall, he was recovering from the fracture and doctors were monitoring his vitals. Pushing a year since his heart attack, they could not keep all doctors in Bahrain in giving a medical opinion that the King’ recovery is taking longer than usual. The country’s press and media are on their pockets but with social media and technology today, who knows if they keep the King’s health contained.
    He felt this concern was shared by the other family members. He is now seated a few chairs away from Hasan, who is now leading the discussion between senior members of the family. The elders, uncles, aunts, eldest sons were all assembled in closed doors deep in the heart of the Palace. No bodyguards were permitted, not even members of the Parliament, it was strictly a family only affair, except that their decisions extended to the entire Kingdom.
    The family was split three-way, the younger generations, Isa’s cousins wanted to come out in public and announce a regency council. The King’s own brothers, sisters and cousins preferred to keep things as is, they will wait until the King is truly dead. Surprisingly, it was the family elders that had the most radical idea, probably stemming from the most basic recourse when a King is disabled.
    “Your father,” speaking to Hasan, “is no longer with us. His body is but the Majesty of his person has already passed away from him the moment he lost consciousness.” spoke an elder. “Tradition demands that we elect his heir.”
    “It is not that simple grandfather,” another uncle said.
    “How can it be simpler than that? The sooner we accept that the King is alive but unable to rule, the sooner we can proceed with election,” another aunt said, known for her disdain for the Council electing the King’s line to the throne.
    “And who should we elect then? Your line? Your daughter has made a mockery of herself, we cannot have her and her female lover trampling over our honor.”
    “My line is far better than yours! Do not think that we are ignorant of the harem of under aged girls you are keeping under your own house!”
    “This is enough!” Hasan announced. He stood and everyone was silent. He may be younger than most of the people in the room but by virtue of his rank, everybody obeyed. “We do not have time for these arguments, we need to decide now. Before we can even decide who succeeds the King, we have to decide if he is to be replaced at all. And if he is replaced, who will be the members of the Regency Council!”
    From feigned silence, everybody turned to quiet contemplation. Hasan was right, the Kingdom cannot afford any more doubts, Parliament needed an answer and only they decide.
    “Hasan is right,” one of the elders announced. “I vote that the King, unable to execute his oath as sovereign, be declared no longer fit as King. Who agrees?”
    Slowly, everybody, including Hasan and Isa, raised their hands.
    “It is decided then,” said Hasan. “Now to the next agenda. Who will be the members of the Regency Council?”
    The room again erupted with arguments, this time everyone vying for a position in the 9 seat Council. It was a temporary power but so much can be done during the interim between the Council and a newly crowned King. Finally, one voice managed to be heard
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