Biker Justice: A Skull Kings MC Novella
anyone blame me for being a little suspicious of Logan?
    “He practically wanted to be friends overnight,” I said, relaying my thoughts out loud. “And it’s not like the same thing hasn’t happened to me before. I know how the movie ends, so why sit through the whole thing?”
    “I just think you need to get to know him a little better,” Aspen said a little knowingly. “Plus... you’re the one driving us there. You said yes.”
    True. So if anything negative came out of this, I was the only person to blame.
    Aspen pointed out the unpaved road that led to the clubhouse. I finally pulled into the gravel lot and shifted into park. A cool breeze combed through my hair as I took Xander’s hand and followed Aspen’s charging figure toward the party.
    The crowd was modest for a Skull Kings shindig. Half of the attendees were clad in leather and chains; the other half was comprised of old ladies, regular townspeople, and children. A bounce house shaped like a dragon jerked around in the middle of the adjacent field, its twitching belly full of children.
    Liam was the first to break away from the crowd, spying Aspen immediately. Seeing him embrace and greet her with a kiss made my heart warm and ache at the same time.
    “Glad you made it.”
    His voice made ice crawl up my back. I turned to look at a grinning Logan, hands shoved sheepishly in his pockets. He spotted Xander lingering near my hip and squatted down to his level.
    “Hey, buddy! What’s your name?”
    “Cool name. Mine’s Logan.”
    They shook hands like business associates. I hid my smile behind my hand.
    “I’m going to drop this off with Shayna,” I said.
    Making sure to keep an eye on my son, I took my container of enchiladas to the buffet spread, where the reigning queen of Canyon City held court with a cluster of the MC’s old ladies. Shayna balanced her cigarette carefully as she gave me a one-armed hug.
    “Who knew, huh?” she muttered in my ear.
    She jerked her chin toward Logan and Xander. “He’s great with kids. I bet you didn’t know that.”
    “Why would I?”
    Shayna shrugged. “Just thought you’d find it interesting,” she said with a mischievous smirk.
    I scanned the faces of the other old ladies. “What are you guys not telling me?”
    Heather, a redhead in her forties with a smoky voice, sighed dramatically, calling for my attention. “Logan’s courting you, Carmen. Isn’t it obvious?”
    I straightened my shoulders. “Not exactly, no. It wasn’t my first thought when he tried to get me drunk and naked.”
    Another old lady I didn’t recognize snorted. “Don’t act like you don’t like the attention. It’s just how the boys roll. We’ve all been there.”
    I flinched. Did I like the attention? After all, as annoying as Logan was, our banter wasn’t malicious. It was almost like the dynamic of an older sister with a younger kid brother. This shift in our relationship made me feel dizzy, confused, and excited, but almost in a good way. Seeing him in this new light was...wrong.
    But wrong was sexy.
    Xander ran up to me, towing a little boy I recognized from his class at school. “Can I go in the dragon, Mom?”
    I glanced toward the field. Several of the older Kings flanked the bounce house, supervising the kids. “Sure, honey. Have fun,” I said with a smile. I fixed my gaze on his running form, pretending I couldn’t see the old ladies giggling in the periphery.
    “Oh, look! There’s Logan talking to Lisbeth!”
    I fell out of my trance and turned to look at Logan a few yards away at the keg. Heat flushed through my face as the old ladies shrieked with laughter.
    “Oh, ha ha. Fine, you caught me being interested,” I said sarcastically, stalking away.
    Logan held two beers, one in each hand, as he chatted with Lisbeth.
    “One of those better be for me,” I said, making him jump.
    “It is, in fact,” Logan replied without missing a beat.
    Lisbeth regarded me with wide,
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