Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series

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Book: Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ellie R Hunter
bathed in months and this is the man my uncle and former club wanted to help me. It was fucking unbelievable.  
    “If you for ce me in that truck I will knock you upside your fucking head all the way where you’re forcing me to go.” I warned.
    I’m not usually violent by nature, but as humiliated as I felt I just wanted to get out of here and disappear.
    It would be comical if I weren’t so mad, I had the prospect squirming, frantically looking between his VP and me.
    He was never going to make the cut if he couldn’t deli ver one girl to a house half an hour away. Just pathetic.
    “Fuckin’ hell woman, can’t you just for once do as you’re told?” Cas groaned.
    “Screw you. You don’t get to talk to me.” I snapped, pointing my finger in his direction.
    Before I could stop him, he crossed the distance between us and threw me over his shoulder, yelling for the prospect to follow him.
    I was an outcast and I was being treated as one, it didn’t stop me from fighting him all the way to the house. He carried me up the stairs, opening doors until he found my room and threw me on my bed.
    “Pack your shit.” he bellowed and left.
    I couldn’t help it, I broke down and cried. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. Aunt Kitty came in and held me, soothing me in her arms.
    “I’m so sorry this happened baby.” she whispered in my ear, over and over.
    “Why?” I sobbed.
    “I don’t know, bad things have been happening you don’t know about, I trust your uncle is doing what he believes is for the best.”
    I cried in her arms for a few more minutes before she pulled away and helped me pack.
    “I don’t want the prospect to drive me, can you call me a cab?” I asked.
    “Michael won’t like it, just take the ride and ignore the prospect.” she urged.
    I backed down and began packing, for some reason I thought I would only need some clothes and my few possessions I couldn’t live without, until I saw the stack of cardboard boxes piled up in the corner. This was it, he expected me to take everything, wipe all trace of me ever being here.
    With two minutes to spare out of my one hour time limit, the prospect hauled the last box on the back of the truck and jumped behind the wheel.
    One last hug with Kitty and I was cli mbing into the passenger seat. The drive through and out of the compound was eerily quiet, no one around to see my degrading departure.
    After ten mi nutes on the road, something felt wrong.
    “Where are you taking me? I was told I was going into tow n.” I asked.
    “Last minu te changes is all I know, I was told to take you to the cabin.” was all he said. Probably afraid I’ll hit him upside the head as promised.
    I used to love going to the cabin when I was younger, now it feels like a punishment.
    I had been looking forward so much to coming home and now I don’t have one, no family and to top it off, I was going to be stuck in the middle of nowhere on my own.
    Forty-five minutes later, the truck stopped outside the cabin and the prospect came round and opened my door. He was beginning to get on my good side and I didn’t want him to be, I wanted to be pissed at everyone who had a part in out casting me.
    “Why don’t you go in Miss Ala nnah and I will bring your stuff in.” he smiled, he actually had a nice smile with perfect white teeth.
    “It’s okay, I can help yo u.” I offered.
    “No! I’ll do it, I was told you weren’t to lift anythin’.” he said, sounding mortified that he wouldn’t be able to do as he was told.
    I stepped back holding my hands up in defeat.
    “Okay, I’ll make us a drink.” I laughed.
    He visually relaxed and began hauling boxes inside.
    Once he was on a roll it didn’t take long before I had boxes piled high in the living room. I was instructed to write a list of everything I needed, and looking around the kitchen, I needed a lot. There wasn’t any food, cleaning supplies and for some reason there wasn’t any plates.
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