shades of red. When she reached their table, Brody stood up and hugged her.
"I've been thinking' 'bout you too." He whispered in her ear as he held her close. She just smiled and sat down as Brody made his way to the stage.
"Ok, I know this is a country bar, but I'm going to break from tradition and sing something other than country." Brody spoke into the microphone. "Here's one for Willow." He said. The song he had chosen to sing was "Time of Your Life" by Green Day.
"Wow, Will, looks like you aren't the only one who knows how to pick good songs!" Sierra said. "He's really good!"
"Yeah, he is. I'm shocked!" Willow said.
"He's been singing since high school, just for fun. I've never seen him sing with such emotion though." Micah said. "You must have really touched him Willow."
The song ended and no one else had signed up to sing, so the DJ started playing music. Micah and Sierra got up to dance and left Willow sitting at the table alone, to wait for Brody. When he showed up, he had another round of drinks for everyone.
"I was wondering where you went to." Willow said.
"I thought I'd give ya'll a few moments to yourself. Looked like you had a lot going through your mind." Brody told her.
"Yeah, thanks. I do have a lot going through my head. You know, you're making it hard to leave, but it's something I have to do. I have a life back in New York. I have a job where I am finally getting some recognition, and I have friends. I love New York. I am not meant to live in the south. I'm a northern girl. It just wouldn't work between us, you know?" Willow explained.
"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" Brody asked.
Willow ignored his remark. "I'll be visiting my mom every now and then, we can be friends. We'll talk on the phone and stuff, it’s not like we'll never speak again." Willow said with tears in her eyes. "Come on Country Boy, let's dance." Willow pulled Brody onto the dance floor, and when he pulled her into his arms she said, "Thank you."
"What for? For dancing with you?" Brody asked.
"No, for the time of my life." She said and smiled as she looked into his eyes. "I really have enjoyed the time that I've spent with you. I promise that when I come visit my mom, you and I will spend some more time together…that is, if you want to." Willow said.
"I'd like nothing better." Brody said and kissed her cheek.
"Ah, how cute!" Sierra teased. "You know, I hate to break up a really fun night, but we have a plane to catch tomorrow morning at 9:00 and neither one of is packed yet."
Micah and Brody both groaned. "You can't leave yet. What if we kidnapped ya'll?" Brody asked.
"Nice try Country Boy. Like you have a mean bone in your body. Besides, I told you that we have stuff that we need to get back to. Our boss would kill us if we didn't show up on Monday. Vacation is over." Willow said.
"Will, you are always too sensible. Maybe we aren't feeling well." Sierra said.
"Yeah, you're funny. Just call me the responsible one. We have to be on that plane tomorrow." Willow said.
"Ok, let’s get ya'll home then." Brody said.
"Oh, hey, do you need a ride to the airport in the morning?" Micah asked, grasping at straws.
"No, we still have the rental car, and we have to turn it in at the airport. We're saying good bye to my mom at home so she doesn't have to drive all the way there in a separate car."
G.B. Brulte, Greg Brulte, Gregory Brulte
James Silke, Frank Frazetta