Big Bear Blunder: BBW Werebear Shapeshifter Suspense Romance (Sweetwater Brides)

Big Bear Blunder: BBW Werebear Shapeshifter Suspense Romance (Sweetwater Brides) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Big Bear Blunder: BBW Werebear Shapeshifter Suspense Romance (Sweetwater Brides) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anya Nowlan
around it. They had had such a great time last night and he was looking forward to seeing her today, as they had discussed.
    What changed? he wondered.
    Everett had never been one for quiet contemplation. If he wanted to know what was going on, the best bet was to just ask. He grabbed his keys and got in his pickup, heading towards the motel Sara was staying at.
    Finding himself at Sara’s door, Everett was suddenly unsure of how to proceed. Should he just start banging on her door demanding answers? What if she was just sick or something?
    He started with a series if soft knocks.
    “Sara? Are you there? It’s me, Everett,” he called out. “Just wanted to make sure you’re alright.”
    Everett thought he heard rustling, but it could have come from another room. He pricked his ears, listening closer.
    “Sara?” he tried again, knocking once more.
    Everett sighed, feeling defeated. He had tossed and turned in his bed all night, thinking about Sara. She filled a hole in his soul he hadn’t even known was there before he met her and now, he was hooked. Every moment without her felt like an aching eternity. The bear inside him rumbled, nudging him towards the conclusion his heart had already come to.
    She was the one.
    Everett wasn’t going to let her slip out of his grasp until he knew for sure.
    “Listen, if you’re in there, I don’t know what happened but I’d love to talk to you about it, okay? I’ll leave you alone for now but give it some thought. Please.”
    Everett glanced to either side of him in the hallway, wondering if there was anyone there who could have overheard him. Giving it a moment of thought, he turned around and left. He wasn’t afraid of making a fool of himself for Sara, but the last thing he wanted was to put her into an awkward situation.
    He got back in his truck but didn’t go back to the shop. If Sara wasn’t in her room, she’d come back to it. If she was in her room, she’d have to come out eventually. She was worth the wait.
    Hours passed until Sara finally appeared, leaving her room.
    So she was there, just avoiding me. Why?
    Not wanting to come across as a creepy stalker, Everett waited until she passed him before getting out of the car and following her on foot. What a crazy coincidence if they just happened to run into each other in town, right?
    Sara was nearing the local grocery store when Everett decided to make his move.
    “Sara!” he called out, rushing towards her. Sara’s face twisted when she turned around and saw him. She hesitated for a bit, angling her body to turn back and keep walking. Finally she decided to stand her ground, crossing her arms in front of her.
    “Everett,” she said coolly, pursing her lips.
    “I got your e-mail. Is everything okay?” Everett spoke, stepping closer. The urge to wrap Sara in his arms was almost unbearable, but Everett could see from her body language that that might not go over too well.
    “Sure, everything is fine. I just need the estimate for my boss and then our business is concluded until the truck is fixed and I can leave.”
    “Have I done something to upset you? I thought we had a great time last night. You’re unlike any other woman I’ve met before,” Everett said, exasperated.
    Sara gave out a harsh little laugh.
    “I bet you say that to all the girls,” Sara huffed, raising her hands in frustration.
    “What other girls? No woman has ever had the effect on me that you have. I know you can feel it, too,” Everett said, laying it all out there.
    “I know for a fact that’s what you say to all the other girls,” Sara spat out, turning to leave.
    Everett grabbed her arm without even thinking about it. His body hummed as he made contact with Sara’s skin. She stopped, taken aback, her defenses momentarily down. She looked at him with a hint of hurt in her eyes.
    “Let go, I’m done here,” she said quietly.
    “I’m not,” Everett answered, growing desperate and angry. “Tell me what
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