Big Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (BRIDES Fur BEARS Book 4)
grizzly bear.
    Bears have an amazing sense of smell , her brain lectured.
    And they have amazing big cocks , her vagina added helpfully.
    Zoe bit her lip and silently screamed at her greedy vagina. Stop thinking about his cock!
    Balling her fists, Zoe took a deep breath and gritted her teeth. She had to control her libido, not the other way around. She was on stage, in front of all these nice, supportive townspeople. Her libido had been slumbering for the longest time, so why in the world was she getting all hot and bothered now?
    Wrong time, wrong place.
    But...right guy?
    Zoe ignored that hopeful, niggling voice in her head and dug her heels into the stage floor. She had to remember why she was here. To do her part for the hospital.
    She would not embarrass herself and make a mockery of this whole fundraising event. Everyone had worked so hard for this.
    Twisting her grimace into an awkward smile, Zoe stepped forward resolutely and faced the audience.
    She could do this. She could conclude her auction and raise at least a few hundred dollars for the hospital.


    Nick stood up slowly, fighting what felt like a losing battle against his bear. Her scent was intoxicating and maddening.
    He could scent Zoe's sweet, feminine arousal, and his bear was rearing up in a jealous rage at the thought that every male in the hall would have whiffed that very intimate scent. A scent that was meant for him alone.
    “Two thousand dollars,” Nick growled.
    There was a momentary silence in the hall as heads turned to him. He shot every male in the room a warning glare, even the happily mated ones, like his best friend Marcus.
    Marcus simply shrugged and grinned affably at him. Nick scanned the hall quickly, but from the faces of his townsfolk, there was no indication that anyone else had whiffed Zoe's fierce desire.
    He could scent it clearly and it was driving him crazy. In his passion, he wasn't thinking straight. A female's scent was really very subtle and only her mate would be able to identify the changes in her scent clearly. A bear could track its mate for miles, and know when its female was in heat or in danger.
    Nick staggered back a step.
    Was that beautiful, curvacious nurse on stage his mate?
    All he knew was that he would not let anyone else win the bid for her. Zoe was his!
    Damien whistled and rocked back on his chair, lacing his fingers behind his head. “Only two thousand, Nick? Well, I bid three thousand dollars!” There was a gleam of mischief and challenge in Damien's eyes.
    There were gasps around the hall. Then people starting clapping.
    “Four thousand dollars,” Nick snarled back.
    Damien yawned. “Five. Five thousand.”
    The crowd went wild and started egging them on. Some shouted Damien's name and others threw their support behind Nick.
    “Six thousand,” Nick said, staring daggers at Damien.
    Cracking his knuckles, Damien hollered, “I bid ten thousand dollars! Ten grand for you, baby doll.” He winked conspiratorially at Zoe and blew her a kiss.
    A kiss?
    That punk blew Zoe a kiss?
    The thought of Damien kissing Zoe made Nick's head explode. He suddenly remembered what Damien had said earlier. He'd boasted that Zoe would be going home with him tonight.
    No way. No fucking way.
    Over his dead body.
    Nick let out a deafening roar. “Fifty thousand dollars!”
    It took a full minute for the echo of his roar to subside. People were staring at him in disbelief, delight and amazement. Then everyone started stomping their feet, hollering and clapping. Over the thunderous applause, Nick swung his gaze to Zoe.
    She was gaping at him, and her eyes were shining with a strange, intense light. The color was high in her cheeks as she reached for the mic.
    At last, Zoe managed to make herself heard above the wild applause. “ the highest bid ever! May I...have your name, sir?”
    “I'm Nick, Nick Sullivan.”
    “T-thank you...thank you very much, Nick,” Zoe stammered, smiling shyly.
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