Betting Against the Odds

Betting Against the Odds Read Online Free PDF

Book: Betting Against the Odds Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sabrina Morgan
our hands than back at me giving me a small smile. We finished eating lunch as we all pulled out money to pay Penelope started protesting, “You guys don’t have to pay I invited the girls so I will pay,” I was going to protest but decided to choose my battles wisely.
    We walked out of the restaurant Penelope giving Elaina a hug goodbye asking her if she wanted to go with us Saturday; she said she will try.
    I held the door open for her as we all stood there talking and making plans to meet up on Saturday. Penelope hugged Janet and Anna as well as Luke and Nate as I tried not to growl at the fact that she was hugging other guys. She turned around to face me a smile on her face and I smiled back. She walked slowly to me pulling me into her arms but this time I held on to her my hands making its way around her waist. My fingers touched lightly on her back where her shirt pulled up slightly she was soft and her skin hot.
    I could have stayed like that forever but I let her go smiling down on her as her cheeks turned pink. “I will see you on Saturday I will pick you and Elaina up at your house at noon,” I gave her a peck on the cheek as she nodded whistling for a cab.
    She waved to us all again as she jumped in the cab home.
    I turned to see the girls with grins on their face and the boys shaking their head slowly as if I was a lost cause and for once in my life I couldn’t deny it.
    Saturday morning started out bad Seamus was there with Nicole kissing my dad’s ass well making me look like shit. I walked into the kitchen giving both Nicole and my mom a kiss on the cheek and saying good morning to my brother and father who didn’t answer me of course.
    I grabbed my stuff deciding to eat breakfast with Luke and Nate before we had to meet the girls I was turning to leave when my mom spoke up, “Leaving already?”
    I nodded, “yea I have plans with Luke and Nate I will be back late since I am not working tonight.”
    Seamus laughed humorously, “Like that stops you from doing anything little brother.”
    I gave him a glare as Nicole spoke up, “Leave him be Seamus he is right he doesn’t work today and he has been doing really good lately no gambling.”
    Seamus shot her a look, “Not gambling aww but he was gambling a week ago with that disrespecting fat girl –“
    He didn’t get to finish because my fist was connecting with his jaw, “Don’t ever call her that again you hear me you arrogant bastard.”
    My mother gasped as my father stood by silently watching I didn’t hang around I walked out the door before they could say something else to ruin my day.
    I got to Penelope’s house 30 minutes earlier than expected but I was too excited to start the day. I rang the doorbell as Elaina answered wearing a nice outfit she was pretty and curvy but my skin didn’t tingle like it does with Penelope.
    She smiled pushing me inside as she yelled out, “Penny! Penny Matt is here.”
    She called out okay and five minutes later she was walking down the stairs in black jeans, lace red shirt and a leather jacket with some sexy motorcycle boots on. Damn bring on the tingles.
    She smiled at me as she hopped the last few steps down the stairs towards us I held out my hand to steady her leaving my hand there to linger on her arm.
    We stood there for a good minute or so just staring at each other when we heard a cough. We turned towards Elaina who was standing there smiling at us.
    I cleared my throat, “So ladies you ready for some fun?”
    Penelope squealed, “I can’t wait where are the others?”
    I smiled at her, “They are meeting us at the race track. I hope ya’ll are ready.”
    Elaina and Penelope both did a little fist pump in the air yelling they were ready and I couldn’t help but laugh at their enthusiasm. Damn, what is happening to me?
    The drive to race track didn’t take that long. I let the girls out as Anna and Janet came running towards us hugging the girls and talking in excitement. I shook my
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