of one of the recently deceased and picked up a few other useful items here and there. I scouted the surrounding area carefully and found a place where I could ford the large river just to the west of the encampment. Then, with my escape route firmly in mind, I settled down to wait for the last of winter to pass.
As is usual in the early spring, we had a couple of weeks of fairly steady rain, so I still waited, although my impatience to be gone was becoming almost unbearable. During the course of that winter, that peculiar compulsion that had nagged at me since Iâd left Gara had subtly altered. Now I seemed to be drawn southward instead of to the west.
The rains finally let up, and the spring sun seemed warm enough to make traveling pleasant, and so one evening I gathered up the fruits of my pilferage, stowed them in the rude pack Iâd fashioned during the long winter evenings, and sat in my tent listening in almost breathless anticipation as the sounds in the camp of the old people graduallysubsided. Then, when all was quiet, I crept out of my temporary home and made for the edge of the woods.
The moon was full that night, and the stars seemed very bright. I crept through the shadowy woods, waded the river, and emerged on the other side filled with a sense of enormous exhilaration. I was free!
I followed the river southward for the better part of that night, putting as much distance as I possibly could between me and the old people - enough certainly so that their creaky old limbs would not permit them to follow.
The forest seemed incredibly old. The trees were huge, and the forest floor, all overspread by that leafy green canopy, was devoid of the usual underbrush, carpeted instead with lush green moss. It seemed to me an enchanted forest, and once I was certain there would be no pursuit, I found that I wasnât really in any great hurry, so I strolled - sauntered if you will - southward with no real sense of urgency, aside from that now-gentle compulsion to go someplace, and I hadnât really the faintest idea of where.
And then, the land opened up. What had been forest became a kind of vale, a grassy basin dotted here and there with delightful groves of trees verged with thickets of lush berry-bushes, centering around deep, cold springs of water so clear that I could look down through ten feet of it at trout, which, all unafraid, looked up curiously at me as I knelt to drink.
And deer, as placid and docile as sheep, grazed in the lush green meadows and watched with large and gentle eyes as I passed.
All bemused, I wandered, more content than I had ever been. The distant voice of prudence told me that my store of food wouldnât last forever, but it didnât really seem to diminish - perhaps because I glutted myself on berries and other strange fruits.
I lingered long in that magic vale, and in time I came to its very center, where there grew a tree so vast that my mind reeled at the immensity of it.
I make no pretense at being a horticulturist, but Iâve been nine times around the world, and so far as Iâve seen, thereâs no other tree like it anywhere. And, in what was probably a mistake, I went to the tree and laid my hands upon its rough bark. Iâve always wondered what might have happened if I had not.
The peace that came over me was indescribable. My somewhat prosaic daughter will probably dismiss my bemusement as natural laziness, but sheâll be wrong about that. I have no idea of how long I sat in rapt communion with that ancient tree. I know that I must have been somehow nourished and sustained as hours, days, even months drifted by unnoticed, but I have no memory of ever eating or sleeping.
And then, overnight, it turned cold and began to snow. Winter, like death, had been creeping up behind me all the while.
Iâd formulated a rather vague intention to return to the camp of the old people for another winter of pampering if nothing better turned up, but it