Being Emma

Being Emma Read Online Free PDF

Book: Being Emma Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jeanne Harrell
Tags: Western, love, austen, archery, western adventure romance
they’ve known each other forever and are such good friends.”
    “That’s just a step, honey… Just a step.”
    “At least they’re not mad anymore.”
    “Yes… Maybe they’re something else.”
    “Enough thinking. Let’s enjoy our few hours
of peace and quiet…”
    “Good idea.”

    The next day Janie was at the Sheriff’s
Office bright and early getting some reports finished. Bud came in
to ask her if her equipment list was finished.
    “Just about, Sheriff. You need it on
Thursday, correct?”
    “Yep. Make sure you have approximate figures
with the items listed, all right?”
    Bud looked around. It looked like everything,
for the moment, was in order. He knew that could change in an
instant, however.
    “Where’s James?” Janie looked up from her
    “He’s out on an early call. Something about a
deer crashing into someone’s house over on Elm.” Bud laughed.
    “…Haven’t had that one in a while. Wildlife
must be coming down out of the hills to eat. Damn drought…” She
    In walked Ethan with a big smile on his face.
He handed Bud his list.
    “I finished early, Dad, er… Sheriff. Here’s
my list.” Bud frowned because he called him ‘Dad’ at the office,
and snatched the list from his hand. He glanced at it and frowned
    “Sorry, sir…” Janie hid her smile from the
desk where she was writing. Ethan did that from time to time which
really pissed Bud off. She thought it might be difficult working
for one’s father. Just then dispatch took a call.
    “Sheriff, it’s a 211 over on Garden Street –
Break-in and possible robbery.”
    Bud looked over at Janie and then Ethan.
    “You take it, guys. Report back to me later.”
Janie nodded, got up and headed out the door to the patrol car.
Ethan was at her heels.
    “You drive, Janie.”
    It took them about fifteen minutes to drive
to Garden, north in the Indian Hills residence area towards Carson
City. Janie parked in front of the address that the dispatcher had
given her. Getting out, she signaled to Ethan to go around the
back. He ran quietly down the driveway toward the backyard. In her
peripheral vision, Janie saw tall sunflowers lining the driveway.
She walked up to the front and saw the problem. The clasp was
hanging down from the frame and the door was standing slightly
open. It had been jimmied open with a crowbar, most likely. She
pulled her handgun out, holding it with two hands pointing up in
the air. Janie stepped into the house…
    Walking softly down the darkened hallway
toward the kitchen, she thought she heard a noise. All of a sudden,
a man wearing black clothes came around the corner fast. He was
running and pushed Janie away as he shot past her, heading for the
door. She fell on the floor and dropped her weapon. Picking it up
and pushing herself off the floor, Janie made for the front door
after the man.
    She could hear Ethan running behind her as
she sprinted after the guy in dark clothing. He was almost to the
next street when Janie finally caught him. She threw herself at him
and got him with a flying tackle. Coming down hard, he had the
breath knocked out of him and gave up the chase. Janie sat on his
back until Ethan caught up with them and then she got off. Ethan
cuffed him while Janie read his Miranda rights.
    Ethan laughed as they stowed the man in the
back of the police car.
    “That was pretty damn good, Deputy Johnson. I
don’t think I’d want to mess with you.” She laughed.
    “Yeah, I guess those workouts are paying
off…” Janie stayed by the car, while Ethan checked the house.
    They got the suspect back to the Sheriff’s
Office and the jailer took it from there. Janie and Ethan went into
the deputy’s workroom to fill out their reports.
    After they’d been working for a while, she
casually looked over at him.
    “Um… Ethan. So what have you been up to
    He glanced at her wondering what
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