Bedded by the Boss

Bedded by the Boss Read Online Free PDF

Book: Bedded by the Boss Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lynda Chance
want. This is only the beginning."
    Renee recognized the arrogance and conceit in his voice as he lowered his mouth back to hers. It wasn't enough to keep her from flying over the edge. Her body stiffened as an intense orgasm consumed her.
    She leaned against the door, her mind fuzzy and her heartbeat out of control, as she tried to come down.
    The ringing of the phone jolted her back to reality.
    It interrupted the tense silence around them and wouldn't let up. Robert removed his hand from her as gently as possible and steadied her against the door. He walked over to his desk and grabbed the phone. "Thibodeaux."
    Renee tried to control the hysteria bubbling up close to the surface as she straightened her clothing. She saw him turn to face her as he listened to the caller. An indefinable expression crossed his features that quickly turned into antagonism. Toward the caller. Toward her. Renee was disturbed and distressed as he continued to listen in silence and stare at her with smoldering fury.
    And then all hell broke loose. His rage came to the surface. "No. Goddammit , Cameron, she's my secretary. You cannot fucking have her phone number." He paused to listen as Renee stared in shocked silence as she realized the conversation was about her. "It's not your fucking business whether she's married or not. Stay away from her. Don't call her. Don't come by here. In fact, I'll bring the blueprints to you when they're ready." He slammed the phone down.
    His scowl became ferocious. Renee recognized the unappeased arousal and anger radiating from him. His eyes never wavered from hers as he started toward her again. The stupor she had fallen in left her in a rush as she felt him coming down on her. With only seconds to spare, she flicked open the lock on the door and turned and ran.
    Chapter Six
    Renee left work at five on the dot and drove straight to the nearest pharmacy. She wasn't on the pill because she hadn't been in a relationship in awhile. She didn't have any birth control in the house whatsoever and didn't trust herself not to need any.
    She refused to get pregnant. A lot of things might happen, but she would be damned if pregnancy would be one of them.
    At five-forty-five she walked up the stairs to her second story condo and looked up into the face of Robert Thibodeaux, leaning against her door, his arms crossed.
    Shock and excitement screamed through her system. She valiantly tried to get her shit together before she spoke. "You don't waste any time, do you?" She shouldered him out of the way as she slipped her key in the lock.
    "I wasted seven damn weeks." He put his hand against the door and pushed it open when the lock turned. He followed her inside, turned and relocked the door.
    Renee moved over into the small kitchen and put her purse and sack from the pharmacy down. She watched him look around. She knew what he would see. She swore she wouldn't apologize for the difference in their circumstances, and then proceeded to do just that. "I know it's not much. But it's mine. Mine and Brittany's. We've lived here for fifteen years. I bought it new, so although it's small, it's clean and it's mine."
    "Hey. Don't be so defensive. I don't see anything wrong with it. I've lived in much worse. It's been years, but trust me, this place is a mansion compared to some of the places I've lived." He moved away from the front door and into the small living area and looked around. "In fact, it's really nice."
    Renee looked at her place through his eyes. Although tiny, the condo was eclectic and mirrored who she was. She had lovingly and frugally decorated it in tiny increments over the past fifteen years as money allowed. When they moved in here, Brittany had just turned four years old, and extra sleeping space had not been a requirement. Getting into her own place had been way more important than the size. Looking back, Brittany's pre-teen and teen years had been
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