Becoming a Man of Unwavering Faith

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Book: Becoming a Man of Unwavering Faith Read Online Free PDF
Author: John Osteen
God, his spirit-man received revelation knowledge and an unshakable confidence that he was truly healed. Though there was no evidence anywhere in his physical senses to corroborate the fact that he was healed, this sixth sense of faith dominated and conquered the others! His body responded, and sickness and disease left him.
    That is what it means to become a man of unwavering faith. Are you there? Do you realize there is hope? It is possible for you to rise out of your prison house, whatever that might entail for you!
    Jesus said, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). Jesus said this to enlarge our faith to believe God for what we think or perceive to be impossible.
    As you look at your situation today, is it impossible with men? Is it impossible for you to be healed or for your family to be put back together or for that situation to be resolved or that addiction to end? If you hear the word
ringing in your ears, then listen to the sweet voice of the Son of God who cannot lie: “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).
    By faith you can shake off the shackles that hold youin the natural and touch God who is in the realm of the supernatural.
Study the truths presented in this book until you too can rise above the word
. Begin to function in the realm of unwavering faith.
    because he knew the Word of God

Reflection from

    P erhaps as you’re reading my father’s words you’re saying, “I don’t want to get my hopes up. I’ve prayed. I’ve done everything I know to do. Nothing’s changed. If I don’t get my hopes up and nothing good happens to me, at least I won’t be disappointed.”
    Friend, you must get your hopes up, or you won’t have faith (Hebrews 11:1). Consider the captivating account of two blind men who heard that Jesus was passing by. When Jesus heard their cries for mercy, He posed an intriguing question: “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” (Matthew 9:28). Jesus wanted to know whether they had genuine faith. The blind men answered, “Yes, Lord; we believe.” Then the Bible says, “[Jesus] touched their eyes and said, ‘Become what you believe’ ” (v. 29 T HE M ESSAGE ). What a powerful statement about their faith! You will become what you believe!

A Man
Prays Earnestly
Even Though
He Has Heard
    T he Bible says that after the prophet Elijah announced to King Ahab that rain was coming and the king went off to eat and drink, “Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel, bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees” (1 Kings 18:42 NIV ).
    So if
by faith
Elijah heard the sound of abundance of rain (v. 41), why didn’t he just put his mantle over his head, walk home, and call it a good day? Couldn’t he have said, “I heard the rain; it’s coming. There’s no need for me to stay around here”? No, Elijah knew it was time to go before God in earnest prayer, or prevailing prayer, to be sure that what he had heard by faith would come to pass.
    Hearing the answer you need by faith doesn’t mean you don’t have to pray and to claim your victory. It doesn’t mean there isn’t a battle to go through. We must “fight the good fight of faith” until we “lay hold on eternal life,to which [we] were also called” (1 Timothy 6:12).
    When my wife, Dodie, was diagnosed with metastatic cancer of the liver in 1981 and was given only a few weeks to live, we got on our faces in our bedroom and we prayed in faith, agreeing with God’s Word that “by the stripes of Jesus [she] was healed.” Even though we knew the truth of God’s will as revealed in His Word, we had to return again and again to God’s promise and keep holding onto that Word in faith believing for many, many months, until healing was manifest in her body.
    As demonstrated on Mount
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