Becoming a Man of Unwavering Faith

Becoming a Man of Unwavering Faith Read Online Free PDF

Book: Becoming a Man of Unwavering Faith Read Online Free PDF
Author: John Osteen
sure the pastor wondered if not only his body had been affected by the disease, but maybe his mind also!
    When the time came for my friend to minister at the pastor’s church, he hobbled to the platform and stood behind the pulpit. With the arthritis seemingly still dominating his body, he looked up at the congregation and said, “Before I preach the message to you, I would like to rejoice before all of you and tell you that I am so glad that by the stripes of Jesus I have been healed. Arthritis cannot live in my body. I want you to rejoice with me that I am healed and that I can play the piano and walk normally again.”
    Every person in that congregation reacted in a different way. I am sure many of them wondered about the credibility of the man standing stooped in the pulpit.
    But from that moment on, my friend began to get better and better. In a matter of weeks, all the arthritis was gone from his body and every joint was normal. That was well over twenty years previous to this writing. I have been in his meetings personally and wept as he played the piano and gave praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. Truly he is living a healthy life to this day!
    So what happened on the airplane to my friend? What happened to Elijah on Mount Carmel? Is there alaw that supersedes the natural laws that we know? Is there something that we don’t know as far as our natural minds are concerned?
    The Bible talks about the law of faith, stating that “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2). You see, sitting on that airplane, my friend received knowledge from God in his spirit-man that the world is unable to receive with the natural, carnal mind.
    The Bible says that faith is of the heart. “For with the heart one believes…” (Romans 10:10). It is with your heart that you believe. The
means “the spirit-man.” There is a spirit-man on the inside of your physical body. The apostle Paul is telling us that faith is a spiritual force that comes forth from the spirit-man. It is the spirit-man who is able to respond to the Word of God and to exercise faith.
    You see, as my friend sat on the airplane, filled with a crippling disease that had held him captive, he meditated on the great promises of the Word of God concerning the eternal redemption that we have in the Lord Jesus Christ. He meditated on it until suddenly it was not only in his carnal mind, but his spirit-man began to pick up these truths. His inner man began to feed upon the truths of God’s Spirit.
    It was Spirit-to-spirit communication. When his spirit began to pick up the eternal fact that “by His stripes you were healed,” faith leaped into being, because faith is of the heart. He suddenly knew, not with his mind, but with his spirit-man, that he was healed. In this
, he was unwavering in his confidence, even though there was no physical evidence of a change.
    You see, the body has five senses—sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch—with which we contact the physical world. But God has given us a sixth sense—faith—to function in the spirit realm in our spirit-man, made alive with the life of Almighty God. Yes! The spirit-man made alive by the grace and resurrection life of Jesus Christ does have a sense, which we call faith. Faith is totally independent of the five senses we use to function in the physical and material world.
    This sense of faith is used to touch the unseen, invisible world. The natural senses cannot touch that spiritual dimension. They have no contact with it. But faith, created by the Word of God, enables you to reach out into the dimension of the invisible and activate the creative power of God.
    This is what happened to my friend on the airplane: He left the natural and went into the supernatural. He left the physical and went into the spiritual. He got out of hisphysical nature and got into his spiritual nature. Feeding on the Word of
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