Beauty's Beast

Beauty's Beast Read Online Free PDF

Book: Beauty's Beast Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tara Brown
pussy lips, which throbbed from being rubbed nearly raw.
    My chest reeked of the scent of his seed and my dress was in tatters.
    But I didn't care.
    Under that dirty bridge I was safe and alone.
    Horse hooves rumbled behind me on the road, all being run at a hard pace. I glanced at the reflection on the still lake as Gaston and several other men galloped across the wooden bridge, making it thunder all around me.
    When I thought it might be safe, I leaned to the left just in time to see them take the path along the water. It was the road my father had taken to bring us here. I remembered the bridge and the still lake, and the reflection of us in the carriage drawn by Philip.
    When I could no longer see nor hear them, I jumped up and scrambled up the bank, digging my fingers into the dirt and rocks. I ran across the bridge and took the road to the right.
    It was an eerie path into the Dark Forest. It was a road no one took anymore, and compared to the one Gaston had taken , it was terribly frightening . But I didn't care. I knew I could hide along it while I waited for Gaston to return to town. Then I could make my way to my father.
    Showing up the way I would might embarrass him, but at least he would know our home in that village was gone, along with any chance of me marrying Gaston.
    I slowed my pace, letting my legs rest a bit. I was far enough that I could easily hide, but close enough to the fork in the road that I would be able to hear them riding past.
    I sat on a log and waited for the sound of the thundering of their horses. My brain got lost in the past eight days. Everything was a mess. My poor father and I would have to flee, shamed and badmouthed by the vile Gaston. But at least I would be free of marrying him.
    And if I were gone from the town, my father wouldn't be threatened with being committed.
    But the loss of his tools would be devastating to him. Not to mention, the loss of whatever other inventions he had in the cellar.
    It was a terrible fate for an impoverished inventor, but I believed he would understand my views on the matter, given the evidence of the assaults Gaston had forced upon me.
    My father had loved my mother dearly and had never hurt her a day in her life. He didn't agree with abusing anyone.
    I was lost in thought when I heard horse hooves. I turned, realizing they were coming from the wrong side of the path. They were coming from the dark and eerie side. I leaned forward, stunned at seeing only a single horse, but he was running like the devil himself chased him.
    My heart stopped when I realized it was Philip, minus his carriage. I jumped up, running for him. “Philip!” I waved my hands.
    He ran past me but circled and paused, cocking his head. In his eyes was the wildest look I had ever seen. He snorted and bucked a little.
    I walked closer, holding my hands out. When I was close enough I ran my hands gently down his side, stroking him and calming him. “Philip, where is Papa?”
    He snorted and suddenly grew tense again. I whispered, “Shhhhhhh.”
    He calmed but his heart was racing. I jumped onto his back and turned him back toward the path he had just come from. Clearly, my father was down the wrong path. It wouldn’t be the first time.
    I dug my heels in, nudging Philip to go faster. When I glanced back at the other path I didn't see horses or Gaston. I hoped I would never see him again. Not that I would ever be free of him; the scars inside me would never leave me.


Chapter Four

    The path did not get lighter, but much smaller and darker as we rode on. I clung to Philip, not certain we were going the right way. Not until he froze, staring at a massive set of gates.
    He backed up, shaking his head. I knew then we had the right spot. The horse was smarter than I was. He would not act this way unless truly terrified.
    The gates didn't look like much. Maybe once they had been lavish and spectacular¸ but now they were dirty and covered in vines.
    A growl from behind
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