Beauty and the Brit

Beauty and the Brit Read Online Free PDF

Book: Beauty and the Brit Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lizbeth Selvig
Tags: Itzy,
a half might as well be four days.”
    He nodded. In truth, it would probably be better not to mix his world with hers. He couldn’t think of two more opposite places.
    “The offer stands. It was lovely to meet you both.”
    “Will you come back to Crossroads?” Bonnie asked.
    He smiled. “I come to the cities now and again. Meanwhile, you stay out of strange cars, right, love? Even if good music’s involved?”
    She smiled with a touch of, but not nearly enough, self-consciousness. “I will.”
    He looked back to Rio and, again, had an urge to protect her, despite the fact that she wanted no protection. “Stay safe.”
    Her smile was far more sardonic than her sister’s. “Somehow, I always do.”
    Three minutes later he pulled from the curb and watched the Montoya sisters’ porch light fade in his mirror. She’d gotten to him, the stoic and protectively sarcastic elder Montoya. She was not like any woman he’d ever found attractive before.
    Not that he’d ever see her again. Still, he hoped with all his heart his gut fear for her was nothing but the last wisp of those old ghosts.

    Chapter Three
    T HIS HAD TO be a nightmare.
    Rio stared at the chaos around her and tried to make sense of the voices. So many voices—rendered into dissonant babbles and shouts by the hiss of the fire monster that had awoken her twenty minutes ago. Like a dragon, red and black, evil, crackling, belching smoke, it devoured her life before her eyes.
    No. That was wrong. Their lives were intact. She’d gotten Bonnie out safely. Paul wasn’t home. She’d rescued her cell phone and her ancient laptop. She’d gotten the fire department here in good time and given them all the information they’d asked for.
    She swayed on her feet watching her home burn and told herself their lives were all that mattered.
    Held back from the disaster by a snarl of fire hoses and swarms of efficient firefighters, there was nothing more to be done except stare in disbelief at the flames devouring the roof. She didn’t even know what time it was. She’d paid no attention to the clock when the thick veil of smoke had choked her awake.
    Bonnie sat on the boulevard grass beside her, shivering despite the thick blanket given to her by one of the firemen. She stared, her eyes wide but expressionless.
    The horror did mesmerize. Their house had stood ninety years in this spot, and Rio had done her best to keep up the one material thing her mother had left in her care. It wouldn’t spontaneously combust. This fire could not be an accident.
    Pajama-clad neighbors gawked and murmured in little groups. Few of them had approached her. Neighbors didn’t get too close since Paul and Hector had grown so attached.
    He wouldn’t. Even he can’t be that evil.
    She let her head fall forward into her palms. Oh God, this could not be happening.
    “Rio? Bonnie? Girls, are you all right?”
    She recognized Chase Preston’s troubled Southern drawl before she saw him. Before she could answer, Bonnie released a cry and jumped to her feet, throwing herself into Chase’s arms with a sob.
    “Aw, honey, honey, I know. But thank God you’re both out here.” He locked her into a safe embrace and caught Rio’s eyes. “Are you really okay?”
    Then she saw David. The world around her slowed for a few blessed seconds while her stomach took an unexpected dive for her toes. He stood behind Chase, the concern in his eyes blazing to match the fire. It seemed like mere moments since he’d been standing in her room and Bonnie had blurted out their life plans, giving him possession of secrets she’d never told anybody. Because she’d never thought to see him again, she’d let the embarrassment go. At his surprising appearance here, she felt even more vulnerable than she had four hours ago.
    “Rio.” He spoke into her ear, and she blinked, unsure how he’d moved to her side without her noticing. “This is shocking. I’m so awfully sorry.
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