Bear Naked (Halle Shifters)

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Book: Bear Naked (Halle Shifters) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dana Marie Bell
    This time it was Ryan who laughed. “She’s survived losing her family, her twin’s disappearance, being shot at and almost killed. She’s stronger than you think, Julian.” Ryan slipped the jacket on and grabbed the basket. “Just because she’s prone to panic attacks doesn’t mean she’s weak. My mate is a survivor.” And no one could be prouder of their mate than Ryan was. Glory was amazing .
    “I’m just saying, be careful with her. I don’t want to have to explain to Cyn how my friend broke hers.”
    Ryan snorted as the three men left the apartment. Ryan still had to pick up the food and Glory. Checking his watch, he saw he still had plenty of time. “I’m not going to break her.” He grinned evilly. “Well, not in a bad way.”
    Bunny shook his head. “Just do us a favor and make sure your mate is happy.”
    “Because if your mate is happy, our mates are happy.” Julian climbed into his car. “And one more bit of advice. Clean your apartment before you bring her back here.”
    Ryan frowned. “What’s wrong with my apartment?”
    Bunny and Julian glanced at each other and shuddered. “Just do it.”
    “It’s not that bad.”
    Both men stared at him.
    “Really. My place in Oregon was way worse.”
    Julian cocked an eyebrow at him. “Did any of the intriguing new life forms you were breeding start to speak to you? And how did they feel about your leaving them alone?”
    “Fine.” Ryan sighed. “I’ll run the vacuum before I bring her back.”
    Bunny shivered. “You might want to consider a flamethrower. I hear you can get one on eBay.”
    “Or Craigslist.”
    “Even better.”
    “Ha. Ha.” Ryan climbed into the car, placing the empty picnic basket on the passenger side floor. He was going to do this up right, damn it. “I have to go pick up the food before I get Glory.”
    “Good luck.” Bunny patted the hood of his car. “And remember what we said.”
    “Be good to Glory and fumigate my apartment.”
    Bunny and Julian both laughed as they said good-bye. Ryan made his way to the restaurant and picked up the food before heading over to the apartment Glory had once shared with Cyn and Tabby. Now that the girls were living with their mates in their homes, Glory was all alone. That was something Ryan hoped to fix, and soon. He was more than willing to do what Bunny had done and buy a home in the area, but first he had to mark his mate.
    He pulled up in front of Glory’s home on time and wiped his sweaty palms against his jeans. The guys were right. He was acting like a sixteen-year-old on his first date, but damn it. He’d waited so long for her to say yes to going out with him that he felt nervous as hell. What if the date was a flop? What if she decided he wasn’t worth it?
    He took a deep breath and got out of the car. There was only one way to find out, and that wasn’t sitting in the car and hyperventilating.
    Ryan knocked on Glory’s door and waited. He knew the area around her apartment intimately, having stood guard over her both when Tabby was in danger and when the girls were being targeted by a madman. He scanned the area now, automatically looking for threats to his mate. Finding none, he turned back to her door just in time to see her open it.
    His mouth watered at the sight of his mate. God, she looked edible. Jeans that were painted on, a wispy nothing of a top, and high-heeled boots combined with that cascade of blue hair, and he was ready to say fuck the picnic and, well, just fuck her. “You look incredible.”
    She grinned. “So do you.” She waved him in. “Let me grab my coat and we can get out of here.”
    He was all for that. “I think you’re going to like what I’ve got planned.” And if things worked out the way he hoped, he’d love the aftermath.
    “We’ll see.”
    He didn’t let her skepticism get to him. He understood now why she constantly pushed him away. He’d have to prove over and over that he wasn’t going anywhere, but
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