means of getting the job done. We don't have any infantry in the world that could manage what those things can do. We'd have to bring in heavy armour or air strikes."
"But what do they fight for?"
Kelly shook his head. "I have no idea anymore."
"Here they come!" a voice yelled along the defensive line.
Three Mechs appeared at the entrance where the bottleneck opened up into the kill zone of their position. The second they appeared the first few shots rang out, and several others joined them. The creatures were cut down before they got more than two metres into the room. Kelly looked around to see crates of ammunition were being carried in, and he smiled at the realisation that it was their opportunity to butcher the enemy.
He left his people to keep up the onslaught and picked up handfuls of magazines, standing them on a ledge near his firing position. He casually reloaded and took aim. The Mechs began to topple over their dead, and yet continued coming forward like a swarm of ants.
Kelly took in a deep breath and then joined in the fire. He could feel the heat rise from the barrels of the weapons around him as they rattled off shot after shot. The Mech bodies began to amass at the bottleneck leading to the kill zone. There they formed a wall.
The gunfire slowed and finally came to a standstill. The heap of corpses had created a barrier between the two sides. The soldiers of the Drachenburg watched with anticipation to see the enemy's next move. Several took the opportunity to reload and then continue staring at the bizarre situation ahead of them. Kelly knew that any human being could not go on beyond that, but he also knew the enemy were nothing like them.
“Did we stop them?” Reynolds said quietly.
“Are you kidding me?” asked Becker, “You think a few bodies will stop them?”
As he said it, an explosion rang out, and the corpses were thrown forward into the open floor, blasting a breach into the corridor where fresh Mech warriors advanced. Kelly sighed, accepting the inevitable and raising his rifle to fire. A few seconds later, his finger was on the trigger without him even consciously intending to do so. Half the magazine was emptied before he even snapped out of the daydream, finding he had slipped into some kind of autopilot. He kept on firing until the magazine was dry and quickly ducked back down to reload.
Kelly looked over to Becker who was doing the same. He panned over to the doorway. Engel was struggling with yet more ammunition boxes full of grenades. He glanced back to Becker, who seemed to be the most sane and competent officer at his side, even if we was still suffering from the horrors of losing so many friends.
“They’re never going to stop coming, are they?”
“No,” Becker replied sternly, “Why would they stop coming? They didn’t stop till they conquered the world, so why would they stop because a few of us are giving them some trouble?”
“And every day we live is a day we defy their conquest?”
Becker nodded in agreement.
“Then we have to leave.”
Becker looked surprised.
“No fight to the end? No last man standing?”
“One day for sure, but not now. We escaped to this forest and we lived this long. We can do it again. We are going to die, no doubt, but not today.”
Becker’s interest seemed renewed.
“What do you have in mind?”
“Only really one way out of this now, Captain. The route we kept hidden from the moment we all arrived here. Pass the word. We’re getting out of here.”
Kelly turned to Captain Reynolds who had been listening in.
“I want two platoons to maintain this position until the rest are ready to move. And I want everyone else ready for that in fifteen minutes!”
“Load as much food, water, and ammunition you can get in that time. Then get everyone wheels as fast as you can.”
“Wheels?” asked Becker, “We have a lot heavier gear than that.”
“We do, and that’s for another job. Your job."