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Book: Bastien Read Online Free PDF
Author: Alianne Donnelly
Tags: beauty and the beast, the beast, alianne donnelly, Bastien
of it and I turn into a rutting animal, the savage she named me.
    Her limbs loop around me and she arches closer as I piston in and out of her. Her skin is like the silk she wore to hide it, cool to the touch but searing like a brand. Her nails are claws that leave bloody scratches in my back, but with a caress of her palm she takes the sting away. In the mirrors I can see the skin heal without a mark left behind. I see us together, my own arse and back, her legs shifting restlessly, hungry for more, just as I am.
    My muscles strain and I give her all I have, and when her climax lifts both of us into the air, she drags me right after her into the most intense ecstasy I have ever felt. I am weightless, formless. I am nothing but euphoria and starlight. When I return to myself, I ache everywhere.
    Another black cup presses to my lips. “Drink, lover,” Lilith purrs. “We are nowhere near finished.” As the liquid pours down my raw throat, her mouth travels over me. She tastes herself on my cock, still hard and ready, takes it into her mouth deep ... so deep. I roar while she sucks me into another climax and am more than happy to return the favor before I mount her again.
    And again. And again.
    Time means nothing. Another black cup, another whisper of praise, a demand for more, harder, now . I am helpless not to give. She robs me of everything and when I am exhausted, too weak to continue, presses another cup to my lips. It is an elixir of everlasting fuck. I don’t care where it keeps coming from or even what it is. All that matters is that while I am drinking it I can keep going as long as I want. And I want more.
    Lilith laughs and lets me indulge, luxuriate in her body or fuck it any way I want. Her pleasure becomes mine and everything I am is hers. “More,” I snarl against her neck. “More, more...” the words punctuate each of my thrusts. Her limbs quiver as she clutches me. So do mine. She doesn’t scream her pleasure, she sighs it, and with that one breath steals my soul.
    I fall back onto the pillows, gasping for air, reaching for that black cup which is sure to appear. Instead I see Lilith’s face hovering over me. Her eyes shine brighter than ever, her lips red as blood—red with blood. “Humans break so easily,” she murmurs with regret and leans down to press a soft kiss to my lips. I reach for her to deepen it, but she holds me back. Instead of a black cup, a white one appears in her hand and she eases an arm beneath my shoulders to help me drink from it.
    An unbearable heaviness permeates me from head to toe. With her soft whispers in my ear telling me to rest now, I let my eyes close and embrace the waiting darkness.

    Chapter Six
    I dream the world as a painted tarot card. The moon bulges full in the night sky, and all the stars are traced into constellations. A wolf sits on the cliff before me, howling soundlessly. Roses and dark cloaks swirl around me, a black cup spills shimmering liquid into the grass, and then a woman appears before me. She is slight, naked, and so close to me we are nearly toe to toe. Her hair is a lush reddish brown, a shade so warm and inviting I want to sift my fingers through it.
    She is a painting that is somehow not a part of this world. I recognize her for the innocent she is by her wide blue eyes, at once challenging and pleading with me. Something inside my chest clenches tight. I want to touch her, draw her into my arms. I am certain the smallest contact will melt away the paint and make her as real as I am. She is made to fit me and I can almost feel her skin against mine as I reach out.
    But I pull back. What if I’m wrong? That single touch could destroy her. She stands before me, an angel, warm and good in a way I have never been. She might as well be the world away.
    It maddens me. Her mouth moves and I strain to hear her words, but there is nothing. “What?” I demand. “What do you want!”
    My bellow frightens her and she is gone.
    “No, wait! Come
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