Bare Hearts
escaped death? Just, please, take me back to the cemetery,” I tell him firmly.
    We don’t speak the rest of the way. I don’t even bother looking at him. Finally, we make it to the cemetery in one piece and I haul ass out of his vehicle when he stops by my car. I slam the door shut as I exit.
    “I’m sorry,” he yells out the window.
    “Freak!” That is all I can muster to say. I’m mad, to put it lightly. Having my life flash before my eyes is not my idea of fun.
    Note to self: Don’t date freaks!

Chapter Six

    “Shit!” I yell to myself once she hauls herself out of the car. I don’t like leaving her like this, but I know we’ve both had a rough day and I don’t want to press her. What was I thinking, driving like that?
    As I’m driving back home, all I can think about is the brown-eyed beauty named Lily. Finally, I saw her again. I couldn’t believe my luck running into her. What are the odds? Maybe its fate that brought us together again, but I might have just screwed that up royally. I can already tell she is different; not like most girls I’ve known. She’s lost a parent like me, she is strong like me, and there is a mutual attraction between us that I know she feels as well. The attraction between us was electrifying, yet it is so odd to feel that for someone when you’ve lost someone and mourning their death.
    Maybe I should send her flowers, or even better, drop by her flower shop. I need to get to know her better, but I’m afraid she might tell me to take a hike. I wish I hadn’t scared her like I did earlier. I’m just used to living on the edge, and doing crazy shit. It happens a lot when you are around a bunch of guys twenty four seven. I like to test my limits.
    I’m back in my childhood room, which is very reminiscent of my youth. My dad kept it the same, even after I left for the Army. You can guess I haven’t been home much. I usually only came home once or twice a year.
    Well, it is no use trying to get some sleep now, because I know it won’t happen. Maybe I should call an old friend of mine and go out for a bit. I don’t feel like wallowing by myself. I grab my phone and start scrolling through my contacts list. Finally, I come upon a name of someone I used to go to school with.
    “Hey Tim, it’s Parker. I’m in town and was wondering if you want to meet up somewhere?”
    “Hey man! Sure, want to meet at the old hangout Speeds?” He asks.
    “Yes. I’ll meet you there in a half hour.”
    “Cool. See ya then.” He sounds happy to hear from me. It will be nice catching up with an old friend.
    I rush into the bathroom to take a quick shower and to make myself look presentable since I’ve been a crying mess all day. Ruffling through my packed bag, I pull out a pair of dark wash jeans and a dark gray tank top.
    Finally, I pull into Speeds and head straight in. Speeds is an old hangout for us guys when I was in school. They have video games and paintball and everything to entertain yourself. They also have a bar off to the one side and this will be my first time being allowed in there, since I am now twenty two. I spot Tim immediately sitting at the bar. He looks the same; short and stout, even with his spiky blonde hair. I approach him, giving him a pat on the shoulder as he turns and greets me with a smile, and I give him a “Hey!”
    “Hey, Man! It’s good to see you,” he says, standing to give me a half brotherly hug.
    Tim was my best friend in high school. We were constantly getting into some type of trouble whether it be with girls or just messing around and acting like fools.
    “It’s good to see you too,” I say, pulling out the bar stool to sit.
    “I heard about your dad. That’s messed up, Bro.”
    “Thanks. We just had his funeral today, and I didn’t feel like being alone in that house. So here I am.” The bartender comes over to greet me and I order a beer.
    “Cheers to your dad,” Tim says as we clink our bottles together. “If I
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