Bad Son Rising

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Author: Julie A. Richman
have a friend to hang out with.” The guy seemed sincere.
    “Isn’t there anyone from work?” Liz was thinking he was not a bad looking guy, did well, and came from a good family.
    “No one at my level. And everything is considered sexual harassment these days.”
    “That’s the damn truth,” Zac agreed, wondering what it would be like to not be able to get a date. Perry’s plight was so far out of his realm of reality. “You could always pay for one, I guess,” Zac kidded.
    Nodding, Perry gave a sad smile, “Don’t think I haven’t thought of it. If I could find a woman who was bright and cultured and could mix in with this crowd, I’d gladly compensate her for her time.”
    “To deal with this crowd, you’d need to compensate her well,” Liz made a face, bringing laughter to both men.
    Afterwards, Liz shot Zac a glance and he could tell she felt sad for the guy. His mandatory attendance at these events was much harder on him than it was on either her or Zac.

Chapter Four
Spring Semester Sophomore Year
Bryson College
Brookline, MA
    “Time for reinforcements,” Brian burst into the dorm room.
    “What’s up?” Zac looked up from his laptop. Engrossed in a project for his mechanical engineering class, Zac had finally found a class that he found fascinating and the assignments were so interesting and challenging that he’d begun to miss drinking nights with the boys and blow job nights with the girls.
    “Those geeks over at Delta Psi are trying to bag out on what they owe us from the Duke game.”
    Zac just shook his head, “Maybe we need to remind them of their commitment.” Saving his work and shutting down his laptop, he grabbed his LeBron 11 basketball shoes and laced them up. “Who’d you talk to over there? That little snot-nose Prescott?”
    “Yeah, that little piece of shit.”
    With snow still crunching underfoot as they crossed campus toward Frat Row, Zac wondered what exactly was the appeal of fraternity life. The Sigma Chi’s had practically begged him to rush freshman year. He had considered it for a nanosecond, flattered on some deep level that he never let his conscious dwell for too long. But in the end, although moved by the need to be wanted, he knew it wasn’t his thing and made more than a few enemies when he turned them down. He looked like a frat boy, had the prep school education of a frat boy, came from a family with the financial means, but where Zac Moore differed was he was a well-masked lone wolf. Keeping a small group of close friends that he could trust implicitly, his pack, around him, was the way he preferred to roll. Being a member of a frat or a sports team, having a big group of drinking buddies, was the antithesis of his comfort zone, although someone casually meeting him would assume the opposite just based on his looks and education. Zac Moore was the pilot of his own fleet and bowing down to upper classmen “brothers” was not in his DNA. Zac turned his back so that she could change in privacy.
    “Thank you,” her voice was soft.
    Turning to face her, his heart melted at the sight of her in his shirt, hanging around her loosely like a dress.
    Unconsciously, she hugged it to herself. “You might not geClimbing the steps of the red brick Delta Psi house, they entered into the vast two-story foyer. In a large community room off the foyer, raucous laughter pealed to the slapstick antics of one of The Hangover movies playing on a large screen projection TV.
    As if anticipating their arrival, Prescott Lodge emerged from the room, two wingmen flanking him.
    “I understand we have a little issue.” Zac was the first to speak.
    “We don’t have any issues.” Prescott looked from side-to-side getting a nod of corroboration from each of his frat brothers.
    Zac and Brian physically dwarfed the Delta Psi brothers.
    Sighing, Brian rolled his eyes, “Lodge, you know what you owe us, so what’s the bullshit about?”
    The scrawny intellectual actually sneered as
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