Bad Apple - the Baddest Chick
and as her man he’d either step to Supreme for her or he’d give her enough dough to pay him back. Either way, she told herself not to worry.
    Mesha convinced Apple to save a hundred dollars on her outfit. She knew of a local booster who had the same outfit for cheaper. Apple was down. A hundred dollars less was a steal for her.
    The girls met Jay-Ray at his Harlem apartment on Seventh Avenue. His place was littered with stolen clothing and other items, some with the store tags still on them. Apple was wide-eyed at the range of clothing Jay-Ray had in his place—Donna Karan, Gucci, Prada, Tommy Hilfiger, Dolce & Gabbana. He had it all.
    Mesha and Apple looked around the apartment like two kids in a candy store.
    “Damn, Jay-Ray! Where you get all this shit?” Apple asked.
    “I got the hookup,” he said. Jay-Ray was the flamboyant type, sporting tight, skinny jeans, jewelry, colorful shirts, and he wore his hair long in curls like Ice-T.
    “I see.”
    “See, I told you, girl,” Mesha said. “Jay-Ray be havin’ the best shit.”
    Apple browsed through some of the things that she knew would take months for her to afford. She picked up a pair of black Manolo Blahnik shoes with a price tag of $700. “How much for these?” she asked.
    Jay-Ray looked at the shoes and replied, “For you, three hundred.”
    It was a bargain, but the shoes were still out of Apple’s budget range. She put the shoes down and decided to go cheaper. As Apple looked through a ton of clothes in the bedroom, she knew, if she was able to take even a few items home, Kola would envy her.
    Mesha picked up a pair of Apple Bottom jeans, smiled, and looked over at Apple. “See, here you go, Apple, wit’ ya name on it and everything— Apple Bottom.”
    Apple laughed. “Nah, not my style.”
    “Girl, you better get you a pair of these. They would kill on you, wit’ ya shape, and they for fifty dollars too. Niggas gonna love seein’ your ass in these.”
    Apple laughed again. “Mesha, you crazy, girl.”
    Mesha sucked her teeth playfully and replied, “Well, I’m gettin’ them. They my size too.”
    Apple smiled and continued searching. She needed to find the right attire for the concert, something that would catch Cross’s attention. She wanted to be a diva. She wanted to be noticed by her love, and the right wardrobe said a lot about a bitch.
    The girls spent an hour in Jay-Ray’s place looking and buying. He was cool with the length of time they spent there because he was making money. He had a team of teenagers under his wing, and shady employees he paid off in the department stores to get whatever he wanted. In the business of stealing since he was a kid, Jay-Ray had graduated to a professional booster by the time he reached puberty.
    Apple smiled at the right thing to wear to the concert. She spent a total of three hundred dollars with Jay-Ray, who was pleased to have her business. She bought an assortment of things for her cash and knew that the money she’d spent at Jay-Ray’s apartment was a bargain, because the stuff she walked out with would have totaled up to a thousand dollars in a department store.
    Apple and Mesha exited the building with smiles on their faces. They were like two kids on a merry-go-round. They joked and laughed and strutted down 125th Street joyfully.
    “I’m hungry.”
    “Me too,” Apple replied.
    “McDonald’s dollar menu,” Mesha suggested.
    “Girl, you read my mind.”
    Being on a budget after having spent money on their clothes and shoes, the two rushed to the nearest McDonald’s and strutted into the packed fast-food restaurant on 125th Street.
    “What you want, Apple? Just get us a table. It’s lookin’ crazy in here,” Mesha said.
    Apple looked up at the dollar menu and said, “Get me that McDouble with two apple pies and a sweet tea.” She then slipped Mesha five dollars and went looking for a table to sit at. Apple had noticed the fellows in the place gawking at her and Mesha the
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