[Atlantean's Quest 05] Atlantean Heat

[Atlantean's Quest 05] Atlantean Heat Read Online Free PDF

Book: [Atlantean's Quest 05] Atlantean Heat Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jordan Summers
he was sliding home. The ache she’d felt only moments ago was now filled.
    Buzz’s cock slid into her moist heat, rocking her gently.
    He fucked her slowly this time, gliding maddeningly, savoring her body. His hands bracketed the side of
    her head, keeping her focused on his face. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” he asked on
    an upward thrust.
    Cassandra fought the urge to close her eyes. She bit into her lower lip and shook her head.
    “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He stared deep, drawing her into his
    gray-green depths.
    Cassandra laughed. “You probably say that to all the women you lay with.”
    His brow furrowed. “No, I don’t.” He snorted. “I say very little. We exchange pleasantries. We fuck
    once and then I’m gone. No fuss. No mess. No complications.”
    “So is that what you’ve got planned?” she asked, bracing for his answer.
    Buzz stared at her for several minutes, his face a mask of unreadable emotions. Cassandra debated
    whether to intrude on his thoughts, but decided against it. She wanted to hear his answer. If he was lying,
    she’d know.
    His jaw clenched and unclenched a couple of times as if he couldn’t decide whether to tell the truth or
    not. Finally he spoke. “At first, yeah.”
    “And now?”
    He scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’m not sure what I’m doing now. I sure as hell don’t have a plan.”
    Good. Cassandra thought. At least that was a start.
    * * * * *
    They made love on and off over the next three days, stopping only long enough to eat and shower.
    Cassandra couldn’t seem to break through the shell separating her from Buzz’s heart. She feared his
    emotional state was directly tied with his space journeys, but she’d been unable, as of yet, to get him to
    speak. She trembled in the cool night air.
    Without a word, Buzz stood, grabbed a blanket from the bed and then wrapped it around them. Sated
    and replete they stared out at the night sky, like an old mated couple. The peace and comfort of the
    situation gave her the courage to broach the subject.
    “Have you ever seen the Antares & Rho Ophiuchi?”
    He nodded, a slight frown marring his features. Cassandra watched his jaw clench and then unclench,
    finally he sighed and ran a hand through his spiky short hair. “I’ve seen it. The colors are spectacular, like
    a rainbow that has burst.”
    “I love the blues, pinks, and clouds of orange.”
    His muscles seemed to relax a bit and he smiled. “My favorite is Eta Carina. It reminds me of a big set of
    testicles.” He laughed and she joined in.
    “Trifid reminds me of a pink and blue dust storm, endless and powerful.”
    Buzz turned to face her now. His gaze roved over her face. So many questions filled his expression, but
    he seemed to dismiss them one after the other. “How is it that you know so much about space? Are you
    an astronomer?”
    “I do not study stars if that is what you ask. I simply like the colors, the power in those glowing beacons
    when seen through a porthole. Much as I’m sure you do. Would you like to see them again?” she asked
    the question tentatively.
    His expression turned dark. “That’s right, I forgot you’re from a galaxy beyond the Pleiades.” His voice
    smacked of contempt.
    “I am,” she whispered, unable to stop the hurt from crowding into her voice.
    Buzz shot up. Anger vibrated from his body. “Knock it off! You know I can’t go back into space, and
    no amount of pointing at the sky is going to get me there. So stop asking stupid questions you already
    know the answers to. Your little act isn’t fooling anyone.”
    “Act?” She frowned, attempting to digest his words.
    His hands curled into fists at his sides. “I bet the other astronauts bought into your wide-eyed innocence
    hook, line, and sinker. But you made a mistake when you made a play for this washed up flyboy.”
    “What other astronauts?”
    He threw his arms up in the air in frustration.
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