As Luck Would Have It

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Book: As Luck Would Have It Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mark Goldstein
beaver.  This person is extremely enthusiastic, raises their hand constantly, is outspoken and will get on your nerves immediately.  The lecturer, I'm sorry, the facilitator will not have to do anything to get this first type to participate.  There are always at least two eager beaver types in the group, no matter what; that is so they can compete with each other and make you drink even more each evening when class ends.
    The second type of is the reserved type, attentive and interested, but shy and reticent.  They have to be coaxed by the facilitator but will come up with good answers because they have been paying attention and want to learn.  They usually make up the majority of the attendees, which is fine because they are not obnoxious like the eager beaver type and they will be willing to serve as the spokesperson for your group table, assuming that your particular group table does not have an eager beaver type, in which case they will be the spokesperson, no questions asked.
    The third type is the disinterested type, who is there because they were sent by their boss and could not come up with a reasonable excuse to get out of it.  This type does not volunteer to do anything and is usually late coming back after lunch or bathroom breaks.  They can sometimes be disruptive, but more likely will sit there quietly texting messages or staring out into space.  The facilitator may think that they can convert the disinterested type and get them to come along with the rest of the group, but they never can and will eventually give up trying somewhere by the end of the first day.  As you probably have already guessed, I am the prototypical example of this type.
    Once the obligatory and often embarrassing introductions are done, the seminars follow a predictable script with the only significant difference being the specific content of the program itself and how many times you catch yourself dozing off before you are suddenly snapped back to attention by a probing question.  The seminars always include various exercises.  There are your ice breaker exercises, your group exercises, your white boarding exercises, your break out exercises, all requiring completion by 5:30 so that you can head to the bar for a few drinks and start all over again.
    By mid-day on Friday, the seminar will come to a close in much the same way that all the others do.  There will be warm and fuzzy goodbyes with promises of keeping in touch and sharing experiences.  There will be the inevitable "take aways", which are things that each participant has steadfastly agreed to try out in a real world setting, promises that will be immediately broken or forgotten upon entering the real world again.
    While Joseph headed off for three weeks to what was probably about the best place on earth for a 13 - year - old, or in the state of Wisconsin anyway, I settled in to what I thought might be at least a decent summer.  I'd miss hanging out, listening to music and swimming in the pond in our neighborhood, but I liked playing baseball and was starting to develop into a pretty good outfielder.
    My father spent many patient hours hitting fly balls to me over the last two years, whenever he could find time and when the weather would cooperate and to the extent tha t there wasn't too much mud at Bradford Park .  We would go on weekends and sometimes even on weeknights in the summer before dinner, if by the time he got home, there was still some daylight.  He worked long hours and I would wait on the porch for him to pull up the drive way in the Dodge .  Sometimes he would say no and I would be disappointed, but on some occasions the look on my face w ould be enough for him to change his mind; accepting the fact that there was no older brother to delegate this duty to.  At first he wasn't good at hitting the ball very far and I doubted that he'd played the game much, if at all when he was younger.  But he was fairly strong and with time, he
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