As Luck Would Have It

As Luck Would Have It Read Online Free PDF

Book: As Luck Would Have It Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mark Goldstein
management, breaking down barriers, and everything else you can imagine.  The seminars are very nicely packaged and the instructors present themselves as experts in these very important topics.  In reality, the people that put them on are mainly expert in duping companies like ours with a lot of fluff and window dressing, with nicely printed brochures and handouts , and with slick PowerPoint presentations.
    I have attended several of these management training seminars over years with the company, and you may be wondering, particularly if you are lucky enough not to have any first hand experience with them yourself, what they are all about and why companies would actually invest countless thousands in them.  Typically, they start out in much the same way.  Picture 30 to 40 sharply dressed professional men and women seated in groups of about five or six, at let's say six or seven round tables in a room large enough to comfortably hold them, as well as the lecturer's podium, sufficient audio/visual equipment to insure maximum pizzazz, and the very important snack table, stocked for the entire two and a half days with assorted cookies, chips, soft drinks and of course, an industrial size coffee pot.
    This would be a good place for me to pick up where we left off earlier concerning our discussion of the many benefits of coffee, since when we were last considering it, if you remember, the events in the office were causing me to experience a mild panic attack, and the last thing you need in response to a panic attack is drinking or even thinking of drinking coffee.  But in most other situations, coffee has many advantages which contribute to its being the most popular drug on the planet, with approximately 52 percent of the adult population consuming between two and four cups every day.  If this number seems to you to be an exaggeration, let me point out that there are more than 11,000 Starbucks coffeehouses in the United States alone, most of which have people lined up throughout the day anxiously waiting to reach the counter.  What other drug, legal or illegal, within just a few minutes of consumption will sharpen your mind, elevate your mood, improve verbal fluency, enhance athletic performance and make you a genuinely more sociable person?  All this with virtually no risk of harm to the body.  At our fictional motivational seminar that I have just begun describing, coffee is very important and the people that put on the programs understand this perfectly and keep the pot full.  This is because nearly all of the attendees at these seminars stay out very late at the bars the night before; so now you know that alcohol is also an extremely important part of the program.
    Forgive me for getting somewhat off the topic of the management seminars, but it is good to understand their context and setting, which is getting smashed at night and sobering up quickly in the morning so that your mood and fatigue levels will be commensurate with what you will be doing during day.  You might wonder why the people are arranged in small groups at round tables instead of how you would normally be seated at a lecture.  That is because the lecturer will tell you that they are a facilitator, not a lecturer, and that you are participant, not a listener.  Hearing that, the sick feeling that you had from staying out late drinking is made worse because you have been told right upfront that you will not be able so just sit there and pretend to be listening.  You will have to actually listen because you will be called upon to participate, or more likely, to look stupid.  The participants are arranged at round tables in small groups so that they can easily work together on their group projects, which for some reason I cannot figure out, are essential to these programs, regardless of the subject or objective.
    At every seminar there are three basic types of people.  This is an absolute axiom and never changes.  The first type is the eager
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