Arcane Magic (Stella Mayweather Series)

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Book: Arcane Magic (Stella Mayweather Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Camilla Chafer
eyebrow. "He's a vampire. It just won't work. He and I have discussed it on numerous occasions."
    "You're a witch; you'll live along time. It's not like a human lifespan," pointed out Kitty.
    "He's still immortal," replied Étoile with a sigh. "But that's not the most important reason."
    "Which is?"
    "The Council," said Étoile, with a simple shrug that failed to disguise the sadness in her eyes. "I can't be seen playing favourites. Dating a vampire would absolutely be called out instantly by the demons and the werewolves, not to mention, our own witches. They will tolerate our friendship, and nothing more."
    "So do it in secret," said Kitty. "It’s none of their business."
    "Is anything really ever a secret?" asked Étoile. "I'm trying to have a transparent presidency, not one where I play by my own rules, while demanding everyone else abide by a different set." We were quiet for a moment, thinking about the previous presidency, which had done just that. Étoile's predecessor, Robert Bartholomew, might have been a decent man, but his wife had her own aspirations, and her life was terminated at my hands. Even though it was self-defence, I still had a hard time coming to terms with the events of that day. Since my acquittal for her murder, everyone knew what happened in her last moments too, which was, somehow, comforting.
    We paused to order our food before Kitty and Étoile continued their mild bickering. I listened, pleased with how easily we resumed our friendship after the absence, and so glad to be part of our circle. It felt like when we first met at our safe house by the sea. That was when I learned my craft, but only after Étoile rescued me from a fiery fate at the hands of the witch hunters. As our conversation drifted to other things — Kitty's job, the werewolf she'd been flirting with, Annalise's baby, gossip from the Council — I relaxed even further. Just as I was taking my last bite, I looked up to see a party occupying the long table on the other side of the room. I had to restrain myself and tried to remain impassive when I realised they were demons. So much for Étoile's assurance, I decided, somewhat unfairly, as Hunter sat at the head of the table. On his right, Evan took his seat. He glanced upwards, locking eyes with me, and for a moment, a wave of feeling passed between us. Then it was gone and I wasn't sure whether I imagined it. Étoile said something funny, Kitty laughed, and I didn't dare glance over again. I wasn't supposed to care anymore, but I still did.
    I found myself recalling our encounter earlier, as well as several times over the course of the day, and even after I returned home, leaving the darkening city behind me. Evan behaved in a similar way to when I first met him: aloof, and seemingly disinterested. But years had elapsed between then and today, and he was my lover for the majority of that time. Could he really feel nothing for me now? Could we even attempt to have a friendship? Would we ever see each other again? And finally, if that was how he intended to keep treating me, did I even want to?
    I puzzled over the possibilities until, eventually, thumping aches ravaged my head, and I had to pull on my sneakers and take a moonlit run to clear my mind. The what ifs and the whys would have driven me mad otherwise. By the time I ran a mile, arms pumping and shins aching, I was mad at him and myself. How dare he treat me like little more than a fleeting acquaintance? A nobody! I was mad at myself for even caring. The whole England trip was supposed to clear my head, and enable me to move on. Why wasn't I doing that? Why did just the sight of Evan affect me so adversely?
    "Arrgghhh!" I screamed to the wide-open fields on the outskirts of Wilding. "I am done!" With that finally expelled, I ran all the way home, clearer in mind, soothing endorphins racing through my blood, and the heavy burden no longer dragging me down.
    I finished my cold lunch of a sandwich and an apple,
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