Another Mazzy Monday

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Book: Another Mazzy Monday Read Online Free PDF
Author: Savannah Young
directions like he’s said them a million times and I do my best to scribble down what he’s saying on a little sticky note I have on the desk that Suzie and I share.
    “So we’ll see you tomorrow at nine,” George confirms.
    “See you then.”
    I poke my head into the bathroom where my sister is taking a bath. “I’ve got an interview tomorrow with Drew Graham.”
    “Did you at least find out what kind of job you’re interviewing for?”
    I shake my head. “It’s still a mystery. But his assistant seemed to know exactly why I was calling. He even said he was expecting my call.”
    “Just don’t forget to tell him you have a twin sister. She could use a job too.”
    “I won’t forget,” I assure her.
    “Wow.” That’s about all I can say when I see the size of Drew Graham’s office building. Living in rural Old Town we never see high rise buildings this tall. The tallest structure in Old Town, one of the two sets of apartments in town, is only three stories. Drew’s building looks like it’s ten stories or more.
    When I enter I walk up to the reception area. “I’m here to see Mr. Drew Graham.”
    The big, muscular guy behind the desk looks me up and down. “Do you have an appointment?”
    I nod.
    “Top floor.”
    I’m wearing the only pair of heels I own and my shoes are clacking on the marble floor as I make my way to the elevator. I push the button for the top floor and smooth out my flowered sundress as I wait. I realize it’s not the most professional clothing, but it’s the only dress I have that’s not super short and tight.
    Once the elevator stops on the top floor I take a deep breath as the door slides open. The entire floor looks like one giant office suite. Everything about it, from the dark wood furniture to the antiques and artwork scattered about, scream old money.
    A wiry man wearing a tan suit and thick, black glasses looks up at me. “Mazzy?”
    I nod.
    “I’m George Salva.”
    I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do so I just smile.
    “I’ll let Mr. Graham know you’re here.” He points to a small waiting area with a couch and several overstuffed chairs. The furniture is a million times nicer than what I have in my living room. It’s even nicer than the furniture in my dad’s house.
    I take a seat in one of the big chairs and I’m a little disappointed that it’s not as comfortable as it looks.
    I glance at the magazines that are scattered about the coffee table, but I’m too distracted to read. Not that I have much interest in business magazines. My heart is beginning to pound in my chest. I’ve never had an actual professional interview in my life. Suzie and I worked at a pizza place all through high school. Our interview for that job consisted of the manager asking us if we minded working on both Friday and Saturday nights. Once we graduated we got jobs working at Haymakers. Jake’s idea of an interview was asking us how soon we could start. The interview to work at the Tawnee Mountain Resort wasn’t much different. Penny LaPage had been a regular at Haymakers for years and was already familiar with our work. A start date was about all that was required.
    “Sorry I’m late,” Drew says as he hurries over to where I’m seated. “My phone conference lasted a little longer than I expected.”
    I swallow hard in an attempt to rid my throat of the gigantic lump that has formed in it. “It’s okay,” I barely mutter.
    “Follow me to my office.”
    As I rise I realize my legs have turned to jelly. Am I really this nervous? I can barely walk. Calm down, I tell myself, but it’s no use. I’m scared shitless. 
    Drew’s office is enormous. It’s much bigger than the living room/dining room/kitchen of our crappy apartment. With all of the heavy, dark wood furniture the office exudes an air of power and sophistication that is almost overwhelming.
    When Drew indicates a chair on the other side of his huge desk I realize I’ve been standing in the middle
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