Another Deception

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Book: Another Deception Read Online Free PDF
Author: Pamela Carron
was saving the worst for the last.
         Dwight spoke softly. He also felt that Jacks had some bad news for them.
    “We agree and we all know that God works in mysterious ways. We also know when you are avoiding the most important thing here, Jacks. You might as well give it to us. What is it?”
       Jacks shook his head in admission.
    “There is no easy way to say this. I received a message before I left New York that there is a woman who is still a prisoner of Asa’s .”
       Sheila interrupted him.
    “We know that there are a lot of people still there in the mountains, Jacks!”
         The sadness returned to his eyes.
    “This one is supposedly my birth mother.”
    “You don’t believe another of Asa’s lies do you?”
         Dwight insisted, while Honey stood up and wrapped her arms around her husband. Asa’s lies had tormented him before, when he pretended to be his grandfather.
    “Oh no…surely you do not believe this!”
         Jacks looked miserable, but he continued for there was more.
    “The man who told me this was at the airport when I was about to board. He told me that it was not over between Asa and I, and that he did have proof of this claim and it would come to me soon. He also said that not everything Asa told me before was lies. There was some truth and I would soon know why he could not leave me alone.”
         Dwight shook his head.
    “Well, we certainly do know that the devil has a way of polluting the truth with untruth. Did he say what this proof was?”
    “Just that it would come to me soon and when it did, I would bend to his wishes.”
        Dwight was adamant when he stood.
    “We will just see about that! Come on let us pray. In no way will we bow to this evil. We will not even entertain the thought! Father, we believe that we can claim Daniel 10:12, where the angel tells Daniel: Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.”
         Honey remembered her strange dream the night before and shivered as Dwight continued,
         “We know that it is also recorded in Daniel chapter 6 that an angel “shut the mouths of the lions” (verse 22) that would otherwise have maimed or killed the prophet Daniel, who had been thrown into a lions’ den. We know that even the apostle Peter who was imprisoned, was awakened in his cell by an angel who caused the chains to fall off his wrists and led him out of the prison to freedom! Though these are dramatic incidents Lord, what we four witnessed that night on the church top was very real as was the miracle of our escape from the devil in the mountains and we are convinced that Jacks was chosen before the foundations of this Earth for your service. Lord, we pray your protection on Jacks and us all as we now go about your work. In the precious name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!”

    Another Deception
         D etective Cranford headed down the hall towards the lounge. He needed to take a break from all the paper work that had piled up on his desk since his last partner demanded to be placed elsewhere. He was really in a mood and his long time partner, Purcell’s death was weighing heavily upon his mind. How he would love to get his hands on the person responsible. That would not happen for it was determined that his death was caused by some retard found with the knife, but had no idea where it came from.  Cranford was sure he had no knowledge of the crime either but somebody wanted that case closed and closed is what it got.
    “Conroy Cranford?"
         The voice came unexpectedly out of nowhere, pulling him back to the present. Cranford slowly turned from where he was fixing himself a cup of coffee. The voice belonged
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