Animals and the Afterlife

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Book: Animals and the Afterlife Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kim Sheridan
Tags: Ebook
neglected animals—who, for some strange reason, regularly crossed our path—to a vet or a shelter for emergency care. Many of these trips were in vain, and I realized that I was now losing animals without even having a chance to love them first.
    Despite the pain of losing them, I missed having animal companions and longed for the day when things in my life would be settled enough to let animals back in. Things never did settle down, but thankfully, an animal crept back in anyway.


    - C HAPTER 2 -
    The New Arrival
Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.
    O NE DAY IN THE MONTH OF M AY , a pet rat was tossed out of an open window by humans who didn’t want her anymore. They were aggravated that she went to the bathroom on the floor (although they did not potty-train her, nor did they even supply her with a cage or litter box), so they figured the best solution was simply to discard her.
    One night in the month of June, a man found the rat searching for food. He trapped her in a pot, put the lid on, and left her in a closet. He happened to be the housing manager of a dormitory building where a young woman named Michelle lived.
    “Hey, Michelle, look what I found,” he said when he next saw her, two days later, as he knew she loved rats. Michelle took the lid off the pot, and the rat gratefully climbed right up her arm.
    Michelle was horrified that this poor rat had been kept in a pot in a closet for two days, and that the man hadn’t contacted her immediately . After all, she was known as the “rat girl”— how could he forget? He told her he thought the rat was “wild.” Michelle had known and loved rats before, so she was well aware that this was no wild animal. Rather, this was an animal who had been born in captivity and then abandoned (which Michelle later was able to confirm), who was simply looking for food and shelter and didn’t know how to fend for herself. She had been seen foraging and begging for food for quite some time before she was trapped. Because of the time of year, and the fact that this rat was a female, Michelle named her “June.”
    There was something special about June. She seemed so ancient and wise, so sure of herself and her path on this earth. She had climbed Michelle’s arm very deliberately and made it clear that she had no intention of leaving. She was a grayish-black beauty with a wise expression, an adorable white underbelly, and a powerful impact on those around her. Michelle and June formed an instant bond.
    Michelle devoted all of her time to June that first day and night. The next day, she had to go to work. Afterward, she ran home as fast as possible. She couldn’t wait for another evening with June. Since June was new, Michelle left her in a large cage while she was gone. Michelle didn’t like keeping animals in cages, so she was in a hurry to get June out of it.
    When she came home, much to Michelle’s surprise, June gave birth to a single baby. Rats usually give birth to multiple babies, but in her depleted state, June only had one. Sadly, the baby died. Michelle assured June that she would never again have to suffer due to human negligence.
    June soon became Michelle’s best friend and roommate, and a very popular resident of the building, where everyone adored her. Each evening, Michelle announced that June would be making her rounds, and the other residents opened their hallway doors in hopes of a visit from the adorable, personable June. June ran up and down the hallways, with everyone calling to her. She ran in and out of their rooms, visiting her friendly neighbors; and whenever Michelle called out her name, she always came running. After her nightly rounds, she headed back to share a warm bed with her devoted human companion.
    Whenever possible, June joined Michelle on her outings around town. People often asked about the cute little animal riding around on Michelle’s shoulder, and June
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