Angel in My Arms

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Book: Angel in My Arms Read Online Free PDF
Author: Colleen Faulkner
that she
sensed weighed heavy on his heart. "Oh, I miss her, but it wouldn't
have come to anything. We wanted different things. We had different
values, shall I say."
    "I see." She wondered what he meant by
"How long
has she been gone?" Celeste didn't know why she was being so nosy. She
never asked her customers anything, not even their names. Many, though,
were anxious to spill their life stories into her lap before lifting
her petticoats, as if that could somehow justify their deed.
    "A year," Fox answered.
    "And there's been no one since then?"
    "I suppose I was waiting for you."
    Celeste felt a warmth rise across her cheeks. She was amazed to
discover that she could still blush. "You're as charming as your father
was, Fox."
    "Hopefully more sincere."
    There it was again, that dry sarcasm of Fox's. They walked the rest of the way home in silence.
    Supper was all that Celeste had promised it would be. One of her
best efforts. She had not learned to cook in her mother's home. There
had been cooks and kitchen maids for that. It wasn't until Kate Mullen
had taken Celeste in that Celeste had found the need to learn how to
prepare meals. She had found it less laborious than scrubbing wood
floors with lye soap, and far more rewarding.
    After supper, Fox suggested that they take their sherry out onto the porch.
    A light rain began to patter on the tin roof. Bright lightning
cracked the skin of the dark sky. It should have been a full moon, but
the black clouds obscured it from view.
    Protected and dry in the shelter of the porch, Celeste sat beside
Fox on the swing, safely at the far side. He pushed with his long legs,
and she tucked her feet beneath her, enjoying the smooth motion. She
sipped her sherry, wishing the evening would never end.
    "Thank you for the supper and your company, Celeste. I can't say when I last had such an enjoyable evening."
    She smiled at him. "Funny how people take to each other, isn't it?"
She didn't know what made her speak so boldly of her own feelings, or
to suggest she understood his.
    The swing glided back and forth.
    "Funny," he echoed. "I've been with women from all over the world,
Paris, China, New York City, and I've never felt so comfortable with
anyone as I do with you."
    She could feel his gaze on her. "You're quite the popular man, Mr. MacPhearson."
    She heard him slide his hand toward her and then felt its warmth on
her arm. "I didn't say that to impress you with my manhood. I meant it
as a compliment to you."
    Over the years Celeste had become wary of men and their words, but for some reason she believed Fox spoke sincerely.
    He took her hand in his and she squeezed it. "I know. I'm just not used to such lavish attention."
    "John said you were unattached." He slid along the swing until he
was beside her. "Is that still true? No rich miner has come to sweep
you off your feet and out of this dying town?"
    Celeste held her breath. She didn't know what to do. She'd spent so
many years playing the game of seduction that she didn't know how to
allow herself to be seduced. She was afraid of Fox and his advances,
but at the same time she yearned for the attention. She longed to feel
    "No," she answered in a small voice. If only he knew the truth of
how desperately she had once wanted to be rescued. Before the
resolution. Before the dull, throbbing acceptance of her lot in life.
"No one has rescued me."
    "I'm sorry. I've offended you."
    "Frightened you, then, by my forwardness."
    She felt so strange inside, like a young girl with her first
flirtation. It was so odd to couple those feelings with her obvious
experience with men. "A little."
    He caught a lock of hair that had fallen over her cheek and gently
tucked it behind her ear. "I want you to know I'd never take advantage
of you or your virtue."
    She almost giggled out of nervousness at his mention of her virtue.
    He tentatively slid his arm around her shoulders. In a way, he seemed as shy as she felt.
    "It's just
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