An Unexpected Husband

An Unexpected Husband Read Online Free PDF

Book: An Unexpected Husband Read Online Free PDF
Author: Constance Masters
Tags: Romance
lightening your load.”
    She sighed. “Ok. You can help, they’re in my room.”
    He smiled and couldn’t resist giving her a light peck. “Go rest in your car, I’ll put these in the trunk and then go get the rest.”
    “I’ll just put these in my car and then I’ll follow you. When we get to your house I’ll carry them in.”
    She nodded.
    Apparently the power to argue with him had left her completely.
    *              *              *
    She propped herself against her apartment door that she held open for him as he brought in the last load, her eyes almost drifting closed.
    “Right. We’re done,” he said, shutting the door behind him.
    “Thanks,” she said with a yawn. “I’ll call you.” She opened up the door again for him to leave.
    “Nope. I’m not leaving until we’ve talked. But you’re tired, so why don’t you take a nap while I cook dinner for us.”
    “No. It’s ok. I’ll probably just order a pizza or something if I wake up later.”
    He frowned. “How often do you eat take out?”
    She shrugged.
    He made a mental note to do some research on healthy eating habits for pregnant women.
    “I dunno, when I’m tired or really hungry,” she said.
    She’s pregnant, he thought, that was probably a lot of nights. “Go get some rest.”
    “Don’t tell me what to do.”
    He shook his head. She had to be the most stubborn brat. He scooped her up and ignoring her protests, took her through to her bedroom, making sure to sidestep the presents he’d put in there a while ago. He gently placed her on the unmade bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. “Sweet dreams,” he said.
    She was fast asleep within seconds.
    It wouldn’t hurt to look up how a damn good spanking would affect her while she was pregnant either, he thought. He had a feeling it was going to be information that he needed a lot.
    *              *              *
    Shaun set about cleaning up a little. Miss Scarlett or whatever the hell her name was, wasn’t a natural housekeeper, either that or she’d just had too much on her plate. Probably the latter. This place was small, that didn’t make it any easier. Well with a bit of luck she’d agree to being a family and she could come and live at his place.
    Even though he also earned a teacher’s salary, he had his share of the family business coming in all the time and he’d invested it well. He also had a very nice four bedroom home in a nice area. He bought it with the thought that one day he might like to raise a family.
    After packing the presents into a pile he vacuumed and cleaned the bathroom and kitchen, although the kitchen was probably the cleanest room. Interesting he thought, it obviously didn’t see much activity. He opened the fridge to see what she had to work with for him to make dinner. Not much. There was a tub of yogurt past it’s date, some mouldy cheese and a brown apple. There were a couple of large bottles of diet soda and a carton of chocolate milk. At least her thirst was taken care of she thought. Sort of. There was a large pizza box. He lifted the lid, empty.
    He picked up the things that needed to be thrown away and went to toss them in the trash but when he opened the lid, it was already full. He could see what she ate. There were candy wrappers, chip packets and old McDonald sacks. Junk. This woman was living on junk. She was feeding his baby junk food. He wasn’t a fanatic, a little junk never hurt anyone in moderation but this was ridiculous. The woman had diet coke running through her veins.
    Shaun rustled through the cabinets looking for a large trash bag. As the door squeaked open a whole pile of letters and unopened bills fell out. As he gathered them back into a pile, a single piece of paper fluttered down and landed on the counter in front of him. He realized immediately what it was. The scrap of paper he’d given Scarlett with his phone number. That was the final
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