An Act of Deceit: Book 2 of the Sarah Woods Mysteries

An Act of Deceit: Book 2 of the Sarah Woods Mysteries Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: An Act of Deceit: Book 2 of the Sarah Woods Mysteries Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jennifer L. Jennings
Tags: Mystery, Hard-Boiled
the list. “Call these two guys. Try to meet with them as soon as possible.”
         “Who do I say I am? I’m not supposed to let on that Janet hired us, right?”
         “Tell them you’re a writer for Gourmet Magazine. You’re doing an article about Marty’s life, and you’re interviewing friends and colleagues. But keep it casual. Don’t make it seem like it’s an interrogation.” Carter drummed his fingers on the table. “Your biggest asset is your personality. People feel comfortable around you. We need to use that to our advantage.”
         “So how do you get information from people? Do you have friends in law enforcement?”
         Carter seemed to find this mildly amusing. “Hardly. The Internet is my best friend these days. You’d be amazed what you can find out with just a name and address. Privacy is a thing of the past, Sarah.”
        “That’s pretty scary. Have you ever used it to get info about women you’ve dated?” Carter remained silent. A smirk was evidently all I was going to get.
       “Another thing,” he said. “If these people agree to talk to you, meet them in a public place. Never go to anyone’s house. And always let me know where you’ll be.”
         “Got it.”
         “Don’t ever get into anyone’s car.”
         “And always keep your cell phone on.”
         “I’ve enabled a tracking app, just in case something happens.”
         “What could possibly happen? It’s just an innocent interview.”
         “Always be prepared for worst case scenario, Sarah.” Carter paid the bill, donned his tattered, brown leather jacket, and slid out of the booth. “If you can, let’s meet tomorrow morning for coffee. Hopefully, I’ll have more information by then.”

    Friday, March 9
    I was used to waking up alone; even preferred it. But once in a while the isolation got to me.
         This was one of those mornings.
         I let my mind wander to forbidden places, like the taste of Max’s lips and the sound of his laugh. He’d become more fantasy than memory to me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. It wouldn’t do me any good to go back down that path, even if only in my mind.
         I dragged my ass out of bed, remembering that Carter wanted to meet for coffee. After a quick shower, I slipped into some comfortable jeans and pulled a turtleneck sweater over my head. I noticed a few grey hairs as I checked my look in the mirror. I plucked them out and made a mental note to get some hair dye.
         When I got to my office, Sammy was already at the desk clicking away on his computer.
         “Hey, doll face,” he said, his customary greeting to me. “Don’t forget you have appointments at noon, and one o’clock.”
         “Thanks, Sammy. I just stopped in for a second. I have a bunch of errands to run this morning.”
         “Okay. By the way, did you call that friend of yours?”
          I rubbed the back of my neck. I was beginning to think it had been a mistake to tell Sammy about Max. “No, and I don’t plan to. If he really wanted to talk he would have called me.”
         “Maybe, or perhaps he’s waiting for you to make the first move.”
         “Sammy,” I said, sounding more irritated than I really felt. “I don’t have time for games. He either wants to see me or he doesn’t. I’m not going to chase him. Frankly, I hope he doesn’t call me.”
         “Yes, ma’am.” He put his hands up defensively. “Got it.”
         “Sorry,” I walked over to him, leaned down, and kissed his cheek. “It’s a sensitive subject. I didn’t mean to get all huffy.”
         “Actually, I kind of like the new you. You seem more assertive. More in control of your life.”
         I smiled and waved as I opened the door to leave. “You’re right. I’m changing my ways, Sammy. From now on, I’m not
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