Amy Phipps - Amanda Blakemore 01 - A Bazaar Murder

Amy Phipps - Amanda Blakemore 01 - A Bazaar Murder Read Online Free PDF

Book: Amy Phipps - Amanda Blakemore 01 - A Bazaar Murder Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amy Phipps
Tags: Mystery: Cozy - Church Bazaar - Ohio
can take much more climbing.”
    “Let's get something to eat. I'm starving.” Cassie suggested motioning over to the refreshment table that was set up by Debbie Sutton the owner of the local diner.
    “Sounds good.” Finally reaching the floor she said. “Let's hurry before your mother gives us something  else to do.” Cassie laughed as they made their way to the table set up with sandwiches and drinks for the volunteers.
    “Well hello little sister.” Adam called filling his plate with food. 
    “What has mother been making you do?” Cassie asked following behind him making herself a plate of vegetables.
    “Making signs.” He said holding up one hand with maker smudges on it.
    “How did you get by with something so easy?” She asked giving him a dirty look.
    “My handwriting is better than yours.” He laughed looking at Amanda and said. “You know how bad doctor's handwriting is.”
    “Very funny!” Cassie answered taking a seat at the table.
    “I agree with Cassie. You should have had to do at least some heavy lifting.” Amanda joked taking a bite of sandwich as she sat down beside Cassie.
    “I'm not sure I would eat that Priscilla has been helping with the food.” He said pointing at her sandwich.
    “How could your sister manage to mess up a sandwich?” She asked looking at her food with caution.
    “Adam you know she just placed them on the table she didn't actually make them.” Cassie slapped him on the shoulder.
    “I don't know?”  Giving the girls a warning look. “She's been standing by the refreshment table all evening.” They all looked over to where Priscilla was standing.
    “That's only because she's afraid Mother is going to actually make her work.” Cassie rolled her eyes.
    “How are you enjoying our little town?” Adam asked drinking his coffee.
    “So far so good....Not much has changed since my childhood.” Amanda admitted shrugging one shoulder.
    “You grew up here?” Cassie asked with surprise in her voice.
    “I lived here until I was thirteen, but after my dad died my mom decided to move.” Amanda answered tossing a chip in her mouth.
    “I'm sorry about your dad.” Adam said, “But I don't remember you.”
    “I don't either.” Cassie admitted.
    “That's okay. I don't remember you guys either but...” Glancing over at Priscilla “I do remember your sister... a little.”
    Cassie laughed. “Everyone remembers Priscilla.”
    “She does make an impression.” Adam shook his head in agreement. They watched as Priscilla pulled a mirror out of her purse to check her makeup. They all burst out laughing.
    Amanda looked down at her empty plate “We better get back to work. Here let me throw that away for you.” Amanda reached for Cassie's paper plate and knocked over her pop right into Adam's lap. Jumping up trying to save himself he knocked over his chair, but he was too late. The front of his pants was soaked. Amanda was mortified. “I'm so sorry.” Reaching for napkins to soak up the spill.
    “It's okay. I have my workout clothes in the car I can change into them.” He said wiping the front of his pants. Cassie laughed at her brother's expense.   
    “I'm really sorry.” Amanda's face was bright red and she was so embarrassed that she wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. 
    “Don't worry. I can just change.” He reassured her as he walked away Amanda slapped herself in the forehead. “I can't believe I just did that.”
    Cassie still laughing. “Don't worry about it,  Adam needs a good dose of humility.” Amanda gave Cassie a confused look. “It must be hard always being perfect.”
    “I wouldn't know. I have never been afflicted with perfection.” Amanda announced, then they  both laughed.
    After about ten minutes Margaret called from behind them. “Sorry girls don't mean to interrupt but Amanda could you help me with something.”
    “Sure” Amanda followed Margaret toward the back of the shelter house. “What do you need
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