God, I tried!”
Josh slid off the couch, curling up into himself, lost in horrible memories. He dissolved into heartrending sobs.
Kenneth was beside him in a second, squatting down to hold on to his shoulders, and Mary pressed up against his side, trying to offer Josh the comfort she couldn’t give her son at that moment. She cradled his head to her chest, stroking his hair, trying to calm him.
Jared sat down on the other side of Josh, leaning over to whisper in his ear.
“Josh, you have to calm down. If you get too worked up, Nicole will make you leave.”
He gripped Josh’s upper arm hard, making sure he had his attention. “If you want to be here when he comes out of surgery, you have to get yourself together… now!”
He knew Josh heard him when he took a deep breath and wiped his eyes with a handkerchief that Kenneth offered him.
The older couple sat there, trying to calm and comfort this young man who meant more to their son than he even knew. Now, they were quickly coming to realize that maybe Sam meant more to Josh as well.
Josh drew a few more shuddering breaths, finally getting control of himself before looking up at Sam’s parents.
“I’m so sorry—” His apology was cut off by an angry voice at the door.
“You fucking well should be!”
Josh looked up into the face of a very pissed-off Evan Woods.
Chapter 4
LL eyes in the room snapped to the door, and it seemed like the tension had just jumped about a thousand degrees. “Evan, I….” Josh stuttered, unsure of exactly what to say to Sam’s boyfriend.
It didn’t really matter. Evan cut him off before he could say anything. “Some fucking psycho fan of yours comes after you, and you let him get Sam instead?” Evan stalked toward Josh, who was still sitting on the floor. “It should have been you who was shot, not Sam!” Evan was so wrapped up in his rant that he missed the shocked hiss coming from Sam’s mother.
“You’re right.” Josh’s voice was broken and defeated.
Sam’s mother had heard just about enough. The next thing he knew, Evan had a very angry Mary Peterson in his face, and it was apparent to everyone in the room where her son got his famous temper.
“Evan Michael Woods, stop that right now!” The woman’s eyes were blazing, and every inch of her tiny fivefoot-two-inch frame was wracked with angry tremors. “Josh did everything he could to protect Sam, but when that boy is determined to do something, no one can change his mind, and we all know it!”
Evan still looked angry, but it finally occurred to him that freaking out at Josh wasn’t the best way to endear himself to Sam’s parents. He took a couple of deep breaths, trying to get his temper under control.
The skinny ass had somehow managed to win the favor of his boyfriend’s stuck-up parents, something that Evan hadn’t managed to accomplish in two years of dating Sam.
“I’m sorry, Josh. I’m just really worried about Sam and I don’t know what to do.”
Josh wondered if he was the only one in the room who felt that Evan’s words fell flat, sounding practiced.
Jared had stood when Evan entered the room, and now he reached down to offer Josh a hand up. His young friend took it gratefully, squeezing gently before letting go.
Once he had Josh on his feet, Jared looked over at Evan. The man was handsome, he’d give him that. But Jared had often wondered how someone as loving and passionate as Sam had ended up with a man as calculating and selfish as Evan seemed to be.
“Evan, we’ve been here for almost”—Jared looked down at his watch—“three hours. Where in the hell have you been?”
Evan appeared shocked at being questioned and looked down at the floor before answering. “I was… at an audition, and my phone was off. I didn’t know until after….”
Something in that explanation was wrong. Josh was sure of it. He tried to remember what Sam had said earlier that day. He was sure that he had mentioned what Evan was doing, but he hadn’t