All Hell Breaks Loose

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Book: All Hell Breaks Loose Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sharon Hannaford
garden, after a promise she’d made to herself while having a verbal stand-off with the completely insane, Demon -controlling Vampire and his minions in the middle of a garden filled with nothing useful in a fight.  Kyle was the only person who knew about those additions.
    She already planned to have most of the electronic security disconnected once the shock of her being attacked in her own home wore off.  The one exception was the front security gate.  She didn’t think it would be a good idea for unsuspecting humans to be able to get close enough to the house to hit Irene’s Magical Barrier . A nd Irene’s Magical Barrier was definitely staying. Of all the security in the house , that was the one thing that actually made her feel safe and allowed her to get to sleep at night.
    The same couldn’t be said for the enormous tabby furball that sprang into her arms as she opened the front door.  As usual, Razor ploughed into her with the weight and speed of a cannonball.  Gabi’s bruised arm and shoulder gave a twinge of protest , but she gripped the monster - sized cat with her uninjured right arm and accepted the lovingly delivered face-rubbing he bestowed on her.  Kyle stepped around the pair, carefully staying out of Razor’s claw range, and headed for the kitchen to switch on the coffee maker.  Razor glared at him through narrowed eyes from Gabi’s shoulder.  The gigantic cat did not approve of many people and Werewolves were the lowest form of life in his opinion .
    “Are you happy to see us home early for a c hange?” Gabi crooned to the cat as she lugged him to the kitchen and deposited him on the counter.
    The cat’s purr dominated the room in answer to her question.  This was apparently a signal to the other permanent resident of the house, as a small, pointed, black-masked face poked around the corner , and then the rest of the ferret came scampering into the kitchen to join them.  Both of Gabi’s pets had been affected by the Demon attack.  Gabi still woke up screaming in rage from recurring nightmares of finding Razor lying in the dirt of her azalea garden and bleeding from multiple stab wounds.  One of Dant é ’s Vampires had exacted revenge on Razor for ripping the Vampire’s eye out in an effort to protect Gabi.  She still hadn’t had a chance to thank Julius for saving his life.
    Since the attack, Razor had taken up the role of house protector while Gabi was asleep.  He refused to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time and prowled the house and her room restlessly as long as she was in bed.  Gabi had amazing powers of mental communication with animals and had met very few that she couldn’t communicate with, but so far, not even she could get Razor to relax and trust the new security systems.  She hoped his anxiety would subside with time, but it was worrying her.  Slinky, the ferret, also wasn’t quite his normal easy-going, relaxed self.  He’d become nervous of strangers and was disinclined to come out and interact with anyone besides Gabi, Rose and Kyle.  If anyone else arrived , he simply disappeared until they’d gone.  Razor batted at him good-naturedly as Kyle lifted the ferret onto the counter.  It still amazed Gabi that the fearsome cat had adopted the small, playful ferret.  As Gabi unwound the restrictive bandage from around her arm , Kyle set two steaming coffee cups on the counter and dug into a bag of cookies.
    “That’s not supposed to come off yet,” he warned around a mouthful of choc-chip cookie.
    Gabi shot him a wither ing glance.  “It’s not bleeding anymore, and the bandage was just annoying.  I’ll put on a Tegaderm dressing, I have a couple in the medical kit,” she sai d.
    Kyle raised a disbelieving eyebrow.   “It’ll bleed all over your sheets if you don’t,” he warned.
    “Do you want to go and get one and put it on yourself?” she asked, exasperated.
    “Nope.   I trust you . ” He grinned at her around another cookie
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