
Alcatraz Read Online Free PDF

Book: Alcatraz Read Online Free PDF
Author: David Ward
distinguish between the history of Alcatraz and the sociology of confinement there. Niels Hooper, history editor at UC Press, managed the process of obtaining evaluations of drafts from outside experts, guided the manuscript through the UC faculty review committees, and supervised the editing. A number of University of California Press staff members made contributions to the final draft of this book. Rachel Lockman attended to details regarding the photos that illustrate events and personalities. Kate Warne supervised the production process with sensitivity to the authors’ concerns and assigned an outstanding copy editor to this project, Edith Gladstone, who identified endnotes that needed more detail, clarified confusing words and phrases, and provided valuable feedback about the narrative from a reader who was not in the criminology business and had no familiarity with Alcatraz or the federal prison system.
    At the beginning and throughout this project, there were importantlegal issues related to my use of federal records and the need to protect the privacy of inmates’ records and interviews with some staff and prisoners. The salience of these issues is evident by the fact that the National Institute of Justice approved funds for a legal adviser for this project. William Bennett Turner supplied expert judgment in regard to these matters. My access to the information in Department of Justice records required that I become an “unpaid consultant”; this appointment was authorized by Harriet Liebowitz, Peter Nacci, and other directors of the Research Division in the Bureau of Prisons. As this book neared completion, attorney Edwin T. Martin helped me understand the issues that involved reconciling the Freedom of Information Act with the Federal Privacy Act.
    Two eminent academic colleagues reviewed an early draft of this manuscript for the University of California Press. Howard S. Becker from the University of Washington was already familiar with work by Ward and Kassebaum because our first book, a sociological study of a prison for women in California, was selected for a series he edited for Aldine Publishing Company. When another draft of this book was proposed by the University of California Press, Howie reviewed the manuscript a second time. James B. Jacobs, sociologist and law professor at New York University, whose own book on the history and sociology of Stateville Penitentiary in Illinois is a classic in the sociology of confinement, also offered helpful suggestions and criticisms.
    My son, Doug Ward, academic administrator at the UCLA Animation Workshop in the Department of Film, Television, and Digital Media, digitized and significantly improved the quality of many of the book’s photographs that were taken many decades ago and stored and handled casually. He also added identifying labels to important features of some photos. Joel Samaha, my colleague from the History Department at the University of Minnesota, provided a detailed critique of this book; his perspective as a legal scholar and historian was especially valuable to a sociologist writing history. Duncan McLaughlin, formerly of the Northern Ireland Prison Service, and more recently of Queens University in Belfast, Northern Ireland, reviewed chapters from the perspective of a man who knows all about resistance in prison. John Irwin, who has written the best accounts of doing time in California prisons, posed an important question for us after initial findings produced surprising results: “Does this study prove that punishment works?” Candace Kruttschnitt, my friend and colleague at the University of Minnesota, offered enthusiastic support for this project for many years—or was it decades? ProfessorIrving Tallman from Washington State University wrote hard-nosed reviews of our research findings and how they were presented, but this longtime friend’s most important contribution, particularly after he and I retired to the Bay Area, was his
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