Airtight Case

Airtight Case Read Online Free PDF

Book: Airtight Case Read Online Free PDF
Author: Beverly Connor
He reached for the cell phone mounted on the dashboard.
    “Let’s get out of town first.”
    He looked at her a moment. There was what might have been gentleness in his eyes. “All right.” He started the truck. “Fasten your seat belt.”
    They were silent riding out of town, but Lindsay noticed John glancing over at her. What was he looking at . . . or watching for?
    “I have to stop and get gas.” He slowed down as they neared a convenience store.
    “I’m almost empty.” He pointed to the gauge.
    “Can’t we get farther out?”
    “It’ll be okay . . . nothing to be afraid of.” He turned off the highway and drove up to the gas pumps. “I won’t be long. You can sit in the truck with the doors locked.”
    Lindsay didn’t take her eyes off him as he pumped the gas, and her gaze followed him to the store to pay. He looked relaxed. Everything seemed almost normal. But she lost sight of him after he went inside, and she felt panic swelling in her.
    What if he doesn’t come out? What if he calls the sheriff and they come and get me?
    She broke her stare from the store and looked at the keys dangling from the ignition. She could take the truck and leave, get out of town fast, go someplace safe. Did she know how to drive? Surely, she did. John came out of the store carrying a sack and a couple of drinks, and she abandoned any thoughts of leaving him behind. She unlocked the door and he slid into the driver’s seat, handing her a Dr Pepper.
    “Do I like these?” She snapped the can open.
    “Sure do.”
    Lindsay took a long drink. He was right about that. Another mark in his favor.
    “I got you a sausage and biscuit.” He handed her the paper bag.
    The smells coming from the bag made her mouth water. How long had it been since she had eaten? Twenty-four hours? She pawed through the collection of other things John had bought: Reese’s Cups, Moon Pies, and peanuts.
    “Do I like all of these?”
    “You like the candy. I like the Moon Pies.” He took one from the bag and tore open the wrapper. “We both like the peanuts.”
    She unwrapped the sausage and biscuit and took a bite. “I’m glad I didn’t have to catch and cook my breakfast.”
    “That doesn’t bear thinking about.” He followed a bite of Moon Pie with a long drink of Coke.
    A car—familiar, like a roach or a snake is familiar—drove into her field of view and parked in front of the store. Is this what John was waiting for? Is this why he chose this place to gas up the truck?
    She shook, wanting to throw open the door of the truck and run. But they would catch her. Right now they didn’t even see her. Her faux fiancé got out of the car and hurried into the store, not even glancing in their direction.
    She stole a glance at John. He started the truck and was putting it in gear, ready to ease away from the pumps. He seemed not to notice her would-be kidnappers. Maybe it was a coincidence that Mark Smith and the skinny man with the cornflower blue eyes showed up here, now, at this place.
    Lindsay knew she should tell John who they were, but he would want to call the sheriff, and she couldn’t chance it. Even if the sheriff wasn’t in on whatever there was to be in on, they would all know she was here.
    John was looking at her. “Are you all right? Are you sick?”
    She shook her head. “I’m just anxious to go home, wherever that is, and sort myself out. Please, let’s go.” She lowered her head so she was not visible inside the truck as John drove onto the highway. It was a while before her pulse slowed and her stomach settled.
    They rode in silence. They were all the way to Interstate 24, and Lindsay had eaten her sausage biscuit, the Reese’s Cups, and the whole bag of peanuts before John spoke.
    “I do need to call your brother. He’s at your house waiting to hear something.”
    “I understand the reasoning.” Food made her brave. She could think again. Maybe it would fuel her memory, too.
    John punched a series
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