“Anyway, I got acid for the new battery by busting open the old battery. It was fried, but the acid inside was still good.
“And after I replaced the battery, solenoid and ignition switch, I said a little prayer, crossed my fingers, and turned the key. And it cranked right up.”
“And you think you can do that with other vehicles too?”
“Not all cars, maybe. But some of the older ones. The newer cars have computer chips and electronic ignitions that would have to be replaced as well. And they’re not so interchangeable as old fashioned ignition switches on older cars and tractors. But I’ll bet that any car made in the eighties or before can get going again with a little bit of work.”
“But the battery… the one you had in your shed. Do they even make batteries like that anymore?”
“Oh, sure. That’s why Bonnie and I are headed to the auto parts store. They don’t make them for cars anymore, but they still make them for tractors and farm equipment. And since we’re in a rural area, that store sells tractor and harvester parts as well as for cars. They also have old fashioned ignition switches. So Bonnie and I are taking a road trip.
“But the store won’t be open without power.”
“I already thought of that. I have a small crowbar in my pack. I’ll pry open the back door and get what I need. I’ll leave some cash on the counter for whatever parts I take, and a little extra for the damage to their door. Just in case anybody ever comes back. Which is probably doubtful.”
“Wow, that’s amazing. So you’re saying that any old car can be repaired so that it’ll work?”
“Yes, I think so, as long as there’s enough old fashioned batteries around. Any battery with acid inside of it was probably ruined. Only the dry ones should be okay.
“And hell, for that matter – pardon me, kids… For that matter even never cars should be okay, provided they replace the electronic ignitions, main computers and fuse boxes. And all the fuses too. But I’d be willing to bet those parts are hard to come by. I don’t think they burn out very often, and even dealers are only likely to have a few on hand.”
Linda took his hand.
“Tom, it’s not safe out there anymore. We heard a lot of gunshots before we left the city. And saw a lot of fires in the dist ance. Won’t you reconsider coming in here with us?”
“Thanks, but I’ve become something of a loner since the wife died many years ago. I’m set in my ways. I would like to come and visit you sometimes. But I think I’d do better on my own. At least unless things start getting really bad out there. I grew up a cowboy. I can rough it if I need to. And I can live off the land.
He smiled.
“If I need to. I may not need to.”
“What do you mean?”
“Whil e Bonnie and I were riding on Highway 83, we came across two Walmart trucks. Parked on the side of the road, a hundred feet apart. They must have gotten off the I-10 and were heading toward San Angelo to deliver to the Walmarts there when their engines died.”
“I plan to make a few trips there the next few days to gather provisions. I’ve never stolen anything in my life, and I won’t this time either. I’ve got money in the bank I’ll probably never use now. I’ll write a check and leave it on the steering wheel. If they can figure out how to cash it, they’re welcome to it.”
Scott turned to Zachary.
“Zach, go upstairs and ask Jordan if it’s clear out front. If it is, open the gate to the compound and drive one of the Gators out there. The keys are in them.”
Zach didn’t have to be told twice. He seldom got a chance to drive the Gators. To him, they were like go-karts on steroids.
“Tom, I want you to tie Bonnie to the back of the Gator and take it back to your