time for a visit with his strapping son. Perhaps Robert would consider arriving a few days early so that they might join the enthusiastic turkey shooters over on the wooded hillock across the road. We'll surprise Lorraine with aplump turkey for our Thanksgiving feast, he thought, wishing
1111 it Derek, too, might be inclined to desire connection with lumily. Regrettably there had been no word from Derek in the |usr year, a fact that continued to grieve them. Yes, thought I liMiry. Our younger son is long gone in more ways than one.
He settled down with Robert's letter, adjusting his eyeglasses and leaning his head close to the linen stationery in order to follow every line and curve of his firstborn's penmanship.
Thursday, June hfe Dear Mom and Dad,
Thanks for writing, Dad. I received your last letter in the Wednesday mail. And thanks, Mom, for the care packages. Several of my campus friends have gratefully helped me devour your chocolate-chip cookies and banana-nut breads. Because '. of your delectable gifts, I'm one of the best-fed and most popular fellows I know!
I hope to make a trip home for Thanksgiving weekend. Any chance Deny might show up? He continues to snub my .; letters, but I'd like to see him again . . . it's been too long. ;'.
44Id e o e r I y JL, e im> i s . ' '.''
Well, I must head to class. I'll look forward to hearing from you soon. .,,
With love to you both, Robert
Sighing, Henry blurted out, "What do you make of that, Lorraine?"
"Sounds to me Derry has no intention of keeping in touch with any of us." Her voice wavered.
Henry felt sure he knew why; no doubt Derek was suffering a severe bout of old-fashioned guilt, and no wonder. He'd gotten an Amish girl pregnant, only to promptly leave Gobbler's Knob for the army. His son's misbehavior and indifference were an embarrassment. How could Derek ruin the girl's life and simply abandon her?
Henry folded the letter, returning it to the envelope. When it came to guilt, he could relate to having made a few serious mistakes in life some more earthshaking than others.
"We must celebrate the prospect of seeing Robert again," he said suddenly as he prepared to retire for the night. "We can't go on mourning Derek's appalling attitude."
"Sometimes that's far easier said than done," Lorraine replied, dabbing at her eyes.
He acknowledged the grim fact with a nod of his head.What else is there to do?
Soon after Leah started working part-time at the village clinic, she began to recognize her interest in children, espe-
45 O a c r i f
c r i t i c e
Clltlly the youngest ones with obvious injuries. She loved to SjtKMisole or distract them in the waiting room by using the lOt'k puppets Hannah had knitted. She often did the same at home while caring for Lydiann, who, at times, seemed rather incident prone scraped knees, brush-burned elbows, and all.
Leah had surprised herself with her immediate like for the ilnctor and his wife; she felt sure she'd met good solid folk, nit hough worlds apart from her in culture and upbringing. There was not one iota of plainness about Henry and Lor-
11iine, but that didn't stop Leah from enjoying their company. The doctor's infectious laughter, though seemingly forced at linn's, and Lorraine's delicious specialty cakes and breads she M'l nut for the clinic staff during short breaks in the flow of piitient traffic made Leah feel most welcome.
This Monday morning she hurried into the clinic and made i iffee for the receptionist, as well as the coming patients. That
1l< >ne, she did a bit of dusting, which, before today, had not been i >ik' of the things expected of her. Till now she had swept and washed the floors and windows, making doubly sure the examination rooms and miniscule restroom were sanitary, along with sweeping the steps "and sidewalk. In many ways she was considiTi'd the clinic's sole housekeeper.
Lorraine had recently hinted she might need a bit of help, i'.specially with the large kitchen floor and the