there were beneath her eyes. Was it possible her eldest had tossed and turned all night long? And il that was true, whatever could've plagued her dear girl's mind to torment her so? Was she ill?
"You seem all-in," she said as Sadie rolled out the pastry lor pies. "Trouble sleeping maybe?"
Sadie was silent. Then she said something about maybe, jah, that could be, that she'd had herself a fitful sleep. "I'll hafta make up for it sooner or later, I 'spect."
"Anything I can do for you?" Ida replied quickly, thinking a nice warm herbal tea might help relax Sadie come bedtime tonight.
But Sadie seemed to bristle at the remark. "No need to worry, Mamma" came the unexpected retort.
"All right, then." Ida went about her kitchen work, sweeping and washing the floor. She began cooking the noon meal for Abram and the girls, knowing how awful hungry her husband, and Leah, too, would be when they came in from the barn around^leven'thirty or so, eager for a nice meal. Today it was meatball chowder, homemade bread and butter, cottage cheese salad, and chocolate revel bars, Abram's favorite dessert.
There was much work to be done in the house plenty of weeding in the vegetable garden out back, too more chores than Sadie seemed to have the energy for on this already muggy day. True, maybe her firstborn had merely suffered a poor night's sleep. But why on earth did she seem so nervous, almost jumpy? Didn't add up. Come to think of it, maybe Leah might know what was bothering Sadie, but Ida hadn't
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seen hide nor hair of the girl since Leah had gotten up with the chickens and gone out to milk cows with Abram before sunup. Besides, it was like pulling teeth to get Leah to share much of anything about Sadie or the twins. No, if Ida truly wanted to know why Sadie wore that everlasting half grin on her face, she'd have to wait till Sadie herself came confiding in her, which could be a mighty long time. Probably never.
Leah swept every inch of the barn that needed attention, whipping up a swirl of dust like never before. She couldn't help it, she simply felt like taking out her frustrations on the old broom and the barn floor. It was a good thing she'd hur' ried out here early this morning, so cross she was with Sadie.
An interesting discussion with Dat was about the only thing that might get her mind off her sister. She glanced over at him there in the milk house washing down the small room. He happened to catch her eye, and seeing her going about her chore with such vigor, he stopped what he was doing and hurried to her, digging deep into his trouser pockets for a clean blue kerchief. "Here, Leah, looks like you might be needin' this. It'll help keep your lungs free of grime, maybe," and he placed it over her nose and mouth, knotting it firmly behind her head.
"I'll surely scare the mules lookin' like this," she said, though awfully touched by her father's sympathetic gesture.
"Pay no mind to the animals. They've seen us both lookin' worse, ain't?"
"Guess you're right." Still, she felt awkward the way Dat's kerchief was tied around her head, pushing her devotional cap off center. So she quickened her pace, completing her job in the nick of time, just as Dat mentioned he was headed over
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io the welding shop. "Wouldja like to ride along? We'll be hack before your mamma ever misses us," he said, already i housing his driving horse for the short trip.
"Jah, I'll go." She pulled off Dat's handkerchief. She'd much rather spend her morning with Dat than be anywhere near Sadie at the moment. No doubt in her mind! But she
never let on to her father as they rode, the carriage swaying .r.i'iitly as the horse pulled them toward the welding shop.
"Preacher Yoder's thinking of hiring a driver to take him and his family out to Indiana for a short vacation, after the harvest is past."
"Why Indiana?"
"Well, it wouldn't surprise me if they're goin' to look for some grazing land while out there. Not for