didn’t know or care that he was a cyborg. The heat of his breath on her ear and his scent in her nostrils combined, sending a rush of heat and weakness through her that couldn’t be interpreted as anything but desire.
An unaccustomed spurt of panic followed that confusing reaction. Dalia struggled to free her hands again. She was too much shorter than him, and too close, for a head butt to have any effect on him. More likely, she’d end up knocking herself out. Finding after only a few moments that she was having no appreciable effect, she desisted again, panting with effort. "What are you going to do with me?"
His arms tightened. Slowly, he lowered his head until his mouth was near her ear again. "Don’t allow your prejudice to mislead you, little flower. I am not a machine. This flesh feels. This body desires. This mind wants. So, unless you want to discover what its like to spread your legs for a cyborg, I’d advise you to stop rubbing your very tantalizing little body against mine. I might decide to fuck you until no human man will ever do for you again."
Two completely polar sensations went through Dalia at once; outrage that he would even consider treating her--a trained warrior and rogue hunter--as if she was nothing more than a pleasure slave, and pretty much the same jolt of stunned attraction that had hit her the moment she saw him--except that this time it was accompanied by a rush of heat and a deluge of adrenaline.
She went perfectly still, more from shocked surprise than because he had commanded it, or because she feared he might keep his word, hardly daring even to breathe. As she stared up at him, however, it occurred to her that he had offered her a bargaining chip she hadn’t even realized she possessed. "I would...." She licked her dried lips and tried again. "I will barter the use of my body for transport."
He frowned. "I would sooner leave you here. I’m sure it will surprise you, but I’ve no taste for killing ... and not much for humans, even to slake my needs."
Dalia felt blood flood her cheeks, only to wash away so rapidly she felt slightly dizzy. "But ... you said...."
"I lied."
She blinked at him, stunned once more, not because he admitted it, or even because he had the ability, but because he’d done it so convincingly that she’d believed him. It was no wonder the company had ceased production of this particular cyborg. It was no wonder he had never been caught. He was as human as any human spawned, but capable of far more than any human being, whether enhanced or not, and therefore far more dangerous.
"If you leave me here, you leave me to die," she said finally, trying to keep the desperation from her voice.
"Why what?"
"Assuming you’re not lying and the company is hunting you, but not because you’ve gone rogue, then why?"
"I don’t know."
He eyed her skeptically.
"I don’t! I went in for my physical examination. When I woke, the tech was stabbing me with a needle."
He studied her for several moments and finally, slowly, released her. "You didn’t question him?"
Dalia shrugged. "I snatched the needle out of my arm and drove it into his throat. It wasn’t pretty, but it was fast. I didn’t manage to get much out of him ... except...."
She shook her head. "Nothing that made any sense." She studied him for several moments and finally tried again. "Look, I know you’ve no reason to trust me, but it’s only a matter of time before they catch up to me. I got rid of the locator--that’s the only thing that’s given me any time, but it won’t last. Take me anywhere. As long as there’s breathable air and half a chance for survival, I don’t care. I’ll give you everything I’ve got," she said, shoving the sleeve of her tunic up and extending her arm to show him her barcode.
He studied it, surprise flickering briefly across his features. He was frowning thoughtfully as he looked at her again. "You’re coded."
"Everybody is coded at