Aaron: Mating Fever (Rocked by the Bear Book 4)

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Book: Aaron: Mating Fever (Rocked by the Bear Book 4) Read Online Free PDF
Author: V. Vaughn
the women ask me about the fundraiser and what I’m studying. And Aaron flirts with them as they tell stories about their younger days. When we finish our coffee he tells the ladies that we need to go, and I thank them before we leave.
    I wait to speak until we’re in his apartment. I say, “That was interesting.”
    “Yeah. They’re entertaining.” He opens the fridge, and bright light washes over him.
    “Why did you tell them I didn’t want to go out with you?”
    “Because you didn’t, and I wanted to stop them before they had you looking at wedding dresses.” He pulls out a deli bag and asks, “Turkey?”
    I don’t buy his excuse, but I let it go and reach for the meat. “Sure.”
    Aaron brings the rest of the supplies over to the counter and steps next to me to bump me with his hip. “So I’m growing on you, huh?”
    I realize this is the first time he’s touched me without my permission, but it doesn’t bother me. “Don’t get too cocky, but I think it’s sweet the way you changed their lightbulb as if you’ve done it a million times.”
    “You really didn’t like me at all when we first met, did you?”
    My knife clatters against the mayonnaise jar as I scoop some out. “You’re a guy that strips off his shirt and throws it into a crowd of women, and then you probably take a few of them home.”
    “A few?” He chuckles. “Wow. Do you have it wrong.”
    I picture the latest article I saw trending on the web. It showed Aaron with a collection of women hanging off of him as they posed for the camera. I ask, “So you don’t hook up with the women that throw themselves at you?”
    “Not usually. I’ll admit I’m no angel, but the truth is that got old real fast.”
    I turn to look up at him. “That’s nice to hear.”
    “Since I’m the only single guy left in the band, I’m the one they go for. The press eats it up, and it’s good PR. At first I liked it, but lately it’s not much fun. I don’t want to be with someone that is after what I represent and not who I am.” A plate is cold in my hand when he gives it to me, and we walk over to the kitchen table. “I’m more than tattoos and wild hair.”
    I take a bite of my sandwich, and tangy flavor fills my mouth while I think about how I judged Aaron based on his appearance. In the short time I’ve spent with him, I’ve already discovered he is a lot more than the ink and spiked locks I first noticed. And I regret that I let the tabloids cloud my thinking when I should know better. I say, “Yes, you are.” It occurs to me that I might have put up a barrier for our physical attraction, but I forgot to build an emotional one, because I think I like the man sitting across from me.

Chapter 7
    W hile Aaron and I eat lunch, music begins to play in the form of small spurts of piano notes. I ask, “Is that your brother working on a song?”
    “Yeah.” Aaron stands up and grabs my empty plate. “I’ll introduce you. He could use a reason to get out of his head for a while. He’s been playing that same part since last night.”
    Plates clash in the sink before Aaron leads me to the living room. A worn couch and a few well-used, overstuffed chairs litter the room. A man that is clearly related to Aaron glances up from a piano. Aaron says, “Aleck, this is Olivia.”
    He smiles at me. “Nice to meet you.”
    I say, “You too,” as Aaron begins to drum his hands on top of the piano.
    Aaron says, “How about a jam session, bro? To clear the lead out.”
    Aleck nods, and Aaron climbs on the couch to reach behind it. He pulls out a drum that looks like something tribal and hands it to me.
    It’s surprisingly light, and I say, “Oh no. You don’t want me to join in on this.”
    “Of course we do,” says Aleck. “Don’t worry, banging out a beat is easy.” His eyes glitter with amusement as he adds, “Even Aaron can do it.”
    “Nice,” says Aaron. “Why do I help you again?” He hoists up a guitar from the storage place
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