A Whispered Darkness
    “Sure, if they don’t mind.” He looked at me, waiting to see what I’d say. I noted he didn’t even glance at my brother. The action, or lack of it, rankled.
    “Ready, Grant?” I asked.
    He handed over the paper with a muffled groan.
    “After you, Bryan.”
    He led the way from the office, a wide smile on his face. He really did seem pleased to lead us around. Grant leaned over as we left and whispered, “He’s easily amused, don’t you think?”
    I pressed a finger to my lips and glared. Outside the office, Bryan spread his hands wide. “What do you want to see first?”
    “We’ll follow you,” I said.
    Bryan’s chest seemed to swell. “Great. Well, this is obviously the guidance office—”
    “Obviously,” Grant said.
    Our guide’s smile dimmed a bit. “And right here is the main office.” He took a few steps down the hall to the glass-walled office. Cutting a glance at Grant, he said, “I’m sure neither of you have ever spent time in one of those.”
    I forced a chuckle. He led us around the building, pointing out the library, the nurse’s office, and the different subject wings. The school was small, so the tour didn’t take much time. At the end, we were back at the guidance office.
    “The building is a giant circle.” I smiled at him. “Thanks for the tour. I feel a lot better about not getting lost my first day.”
    Grant made a noise behind me and I stepped back onto his toes. “We both really appreciate it.”
    Bryan nodded. “No problem.” Before he could say anything else, Mom appeared behind us.
    “Thanks, Bryan, for showing them around. Are we ready?”
    I nodded. “Yeah.” Grant stepped away, following Mom to the door. I patted Bryan’s arm. “Thanks again.”
    He nodded. “Sure.” For a moment, he looked as though he wanted to say something else, but resisted, just nodding again and turning back toward the guidance office.
    I fled down the hall, my stomach in knots. Bryan confused me. He hadn’t done anything really odd. He seemed overly friendly, maybe, but this was a small town. Strangers were a novelty. I paused on the steps outside the school, half-turning. I could make friends here. Turn over a new leaf and be a normal teenager.
    Until they found out about what happened before. The thought made my heart sputter. The memories of the torture I’d put myself through the last time haunted me.
    I stepped back, turned away from the door, and hurried to catch up with Mom and Grant. I couldn’t afford to get too close to anyone. Just in case something happened again. Better to be on the outside of high school society.
    Mom unlocked the car and we climbed in. As she turned the key and started the engine, she turned to me with a grin. “Well?”
    “Well, what?” I buckled my seat belt and willed my cheeks to stay cool. It didn’t help. Heat traveled from my nape to my forehead.
    “Come on, you have to tell me. You’ve only been here a few days and already you’ve got a crush?”
    “Only on his end, Mom.” Unbidden, the image of the blond from the grocery store rose in my mind. My flush only got hotter.
    “You don’t lie very well, sweetie. But I won’t pester you.” She chuckled and backed out of the parking space. “But I am glad for you.”
    It sort of disturbed me Mom would be so thrilled at a boy paying attention to me. She’d been so supportive about the whole psychic thing; I’d never considered she might want me to be normal. Guilt swamped me. I could try harder. I should try harder.
    Being normal was hard when you were so far off the mark to begin with. I relaxed into the seat as Mom drove out to the huge home improvement store on the other side of town.
    “I thought you might want to pick your own colors out for your rooms,” Mom said, sliding her purse on her shoulder as we unloaded from the car.
    “Fantastic.” The news brightened my outlook considerably. The house might be harboring spirits who didn’t want us around, but at
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